Feeling Time Crunched? Why Repeating the Cycle is Futile & Where to Focus Instead

December 2017 Message from the Love Field

I love the theme that revealed itself in this month’s audio recorded message (video player below) … Teachings on Time (from Infinity’s perspective), during a season when many  feel short of it. It’s my prayer that you’ll allow yourselves the Expansion of Time, through the pathway of Greater Ease and Grace in Alignment … and that you’ll each tune in to allow your Inner Light Flow to guide your way on.
Enjoy this gift from Source and I… Give yourselves the gift of time and space to listen.
This message may be just the thing to help you shift, JUST IN TIME! (pun, intended.)
Bright Holy Day Blessings to ONE and ALL. May the Grace of Source Infinite Love Light Truth shine bright in your hearts.
May ALL BEings feel the LIGHT of their Source within. May All BEings feel the Love Light of connection in the One. May All BEings know peace, from within. May All BEings be FREE in the Love Light Truth of All That Is.
In Loving Awareness,

Attunement Statements to Awaken Our FREEdom, Liberation, Light … Within

(To Listen & Repeat with Source Daily, begin at 27:47)

…Upon waking … and through the course of your experience, when you face contrast, gap, fear, doubt, worry, confrontation … bring yourself to these three breaths (mentioned earlier, 3 conscious breaths to center/awaken to who and what you really are whenever needed) again and remind yourself first, who and what you really are.

Repeat to yourselves:

I Am Source Light
I Am Source Infinite Love Light Truth
I Am, Here and Now, I Am
In the Essence of My BEing, I Am FREE
In the Essence of My BEing, I Am Liberated
Here and Now, I Am
Light I Am
Love I Am
Truth I Am
Source Infinite I Am
In this Human Form, Source Infinite I Am

Choose to repeat these powerful statements to yourselves. Claim them, repeat them aloud.
Allow your ears to hear the Truth in your words, the Truth in your voice frequency.
Allow the cells of your BEing Bodies to resonate with the frequency of these words, coming into sound through the breath of your BEing.
Powerful, these words are.

As the recording continues… Source relates that in the repeating of these statements, we wake up to ourselves, to our Source Infinite Love Light Truth within. Use the gift of this practice that Source is offering. Give yourself some moments each day to breathe consciously and to empower your inner Light, Freedom and Liberation through the conscious choice in breath and sound by repeating these statements. I know what a difference it makes to me each day … to consciously center myself in the Truth of Who & What I Really Am, before I walk into each day’s experience … and whenever I need a time-out reminder during the day as well.
I’d love to hear your reflections, thoughts and experiences if you choose to journey forward in this way!
Brightest Blessings of Love Light on the Path … forward, onward and upward,

Life Guidance Sessions with Debra ~

If you feel your heart longing for more support, guidance and upliftment as you navigate your life’s journey, I am available for private sessions. (in person, locally or via the web, globally)
Now, more than ever, we need to feel supported as we grow and expand…consciously awakening in our Loving Awareness.  I’d be so honored to help guide your way on!
For more information, read about my sessions here

Messages from the Love Field Archive

When you need an Infinity Boost…and some upliftment from The Love Field, we invite you to visit our archive and immerse again and again in the Messages that reside there for you.
Here’s the link: Messages from the Love Field Archive

Sharing Messages from the Love Field:

May all who read these Messages from the Love Field feel the vibrational frequency of Infinite Love that I feel pouring through me as I receive them.  May you all be blessed by Divine Grace and come into deeper and deeper harmony with the Light of Love within you as you read each transmission.
I feel so blessed by this experience and I’m deeply honored to be called to share these messages with all of you.  It is by standing authentically in the Light of Love of our BEings that we are meant to SHINE forth in this world, sharing our hearts and souls in Love Light Truth, and encouraging others to do the same.
If this message moves you, inspires you…lifts you up and resonates with you in some way,
in gratitude, 
I invite you to please share it, in its entirety, along with these paragraphs from me.
Bowing deep…honoring the Light of Love within you, with gratitude…
All LOVE…all the way!
Go Now… And Dance in the Light of Love!
Loving Awareness Life Guide