Tag Inner Authority

Tap into the Power of Your Inner Authority

Loving Awareness
Loving Awareness
Tap into the Power of Your Inner Authority

This recording is a Source Guided BONUS, an EXPERIENTIAL ACTIVATION and exploration into our INNER AUTHORITY and our PURE PRESENCE. 00:55 – What is Authority compared with Inner Authority … how do they relate with our Naturalness and our IllumiNature (and…

Tap into the Power of Your Inner Authority

(Spontaneous Source Download received during an IllumiNature Energy Reset recording session) Intuitive Guidance, Channeling, Source-Inspired Self Care with Savi This video is a Source Guided BONUS, an EXPERIENTIAL ACTIVATION and exploration into our INNER AUTHORITY and our PURE PRESENCE. 00:55…

Savi Ma ~ Claiming My Name & reBirth 2020

Savi Ma births forth from within ... the most authentic expression of ME, ringing true, breathing free! This is me, Savi, responding to the call of my soul. My origin name will always be Debra, she is a beautiful, strong part of who I am ... and 2020 has taught me to claim all of me, as I birth and unfold, breath by breath, moment to moment, choosing authenticity and inner authority in Love Light. This is my story, a tapestry of presence, ever evolving, here in this human Earth dance!