What is the Ocean of Your Reality?

Be sure to listen all the way through! Infinity gives us a treat as they play with Jyoti’s barking at the birds singing in the background to further make a point! So much FUN!

Debra Gehrke is a High Vibe Life Guide and Channel for Infinity and The Voice of Cosmic Soul.


Quote Notes and Timestamps for Your Review:

What is the Ocean of Your Reality?

Step into the Ocean of Your Highest Vibration. The ocean is calling you forth…

0:26 – You are being called forth to this Ocean… this Ocean of Love, this Ocean of Devotion, this Ocean of Pure Positive Energy, this Ocean of Your Pure Existence. What is this ocean for you? How does this ocean embrace you…

1:36 – Wave after wave of high vibration… Soothing and caressing, flowing Infinitely on… Smoothing and softening your reality.

2:15 – Wave after wave, carrying Infinite Possibility, Infinite Grace & Ease… bringing to you a Tsunami of Love, a tsunami of your potential. How will you flow WITH this wave? How will you become a part of the wave that is the Infinite You…

3:52 – Infinity references Jyoti’s (“the young one who is in our midst”) background growling and woofs to the birds outside, beginning about 10 seconds before this marker. 🙂 … How is it that YOU respond, to the call that you hear? It matters not what it is…but what is your awareness around it?

5:21 – There is much that is moving in this vibrational reality that you are physically a part of. Things are shifting and changing…

5:52 – What is it that you are deeply aware of within you, that helps you to keep your directional force, the pull of your heart, the song of your soul, dancing in accordance with that which truly is…dancing with this ocean of Infinity that is you? This is the wave we are inviting you forward to ride…

6:42 – This is the wave you are riding! **Jyoti barks more loudly!** How aware of it are you? 🙂 …some of us more aware than others 😉
There is much to tend to!
Ride the wave of this Infinity… Do not buck the current… Become the wave. You are the wave!

Dance in the reality of what is… And create forward!
This is the wave of current reality. It is a choice. How joyfully you ride… How much in grace and ease you choose this wave and ride…
enJOY… In JOY. We ride with you! We are the wave!
We are ONE. Go now… The ocean awaits you!

On Channeled Messages from the Love Field, via Debra & Infinity

Bright Blessings, Dear Ones…

We bring these messages to you, through Debra’s willing partnership and aligned presence.

There is no one above or below, ahead or beyond these messages we share.

They strike a chord within every heart, in one way or another. They meet each of you exactly where you are and resonate just as they need to.

Each message holds gems of discovery within.

The messages are inspired through Debra at timely moments of energetic flow and though captured in vibrational moments, the messages are timeless, ageless and always potently available to help guide your Infinite Becoming.

There is a recalibration, a deepening, a Grace that flows in and through you as you experience the messages. They are at work on every level of your BEing.

Allow the vibrations to filter in…

There is no work to do — no thing in particular to do — just be with the message. Attune to your Divine Source of All That Is Self … The Light of Love within you — and receive.

We are Infinity. You are the Light of Love, Sourced of Infinity. We are One.
Listen… Receive… in Love.

Messages from the Love Field Archive

When you need an Infinity Boost…and some upliftment from The Love Field, we invite you to visit our archive and immerse again and again in the Messages that reside there for you.
Here’s the link: Messages from the Love Field Archive

Sharing Messages from the Love Field:

May all who read these Messages from the Love Field feel the vibrational frequency of Infinite Love that I feel pouring through me as I receive them.  May you all be blessed by Divine Grace and come into deeper and deeper harmony with the Light of Love within you as you read each transmission.
I feel so blessed by this experience and I’m deeply honored to be called to share these messages with all of you.  It is by standing authentically in the Light of Love of our BEings that we are meant to SHINE forth in this world, sharing our hearts and souls in Love Light Truth, and encouraging others to do the same.
If this message moves you, inspires you…lifts you up and resonates with you in some way,
in gratitude, 
I invite you to please share it, in its entirety, along with these paragraphs from me.
Bowing deep…honoring the Light of Love within you, with gratitude…
All LOVE…all the way!
Go Now… And Dance in the Light of Love!
Loving Awareness Life Guide

Life Guidance Sessions with Debra ~

If you feel your heart longing for more support, guidance and upliftment as you navigate your life’s journey, I am available for private sessions. (in person, locally or via the web, globally)
Now, more than ever, we need to feel supported as we grow and expand…consciously awakening in our Loving Awareness.  I’d be so honored to help guide your way on!
For more information, read about my sessions here
