Are You Ready to Normalize Uniqueness + Open to the Full Truth of Oneness Consciousness?

Hello Bright Ones!

I’m curious. Do you ever find yourself shrinking from your UNIQUENESS to fit someone else’s version or idea of who you are? — I know I have! (And truth be told, I still do sometimes.)

Why do we do this? (I haven’t found it to be very fulfilling. Have you?)

There are many things that influence this behavior. None of them are ultimately serving.

Sometimes we’re conscious that we’re doing it, sometimes we’re not.

Here’s what I KNOW for sure — Savi’s Intuitive Insights:

We are born into our Uniqueness on purpose! Uniqueness IS a part of our purpose!

And the Truth of Oneness Consciousness within us is here to support us in living our uniqueness alive.

Around 4:46 minutes into this week’s Reset Message I talk about how we’re not here to be a cookie cutter society. Our uniqueness is what makes us an amazing human family. 

We can ask ourselves:

  • What opens up to us as a human family when we lean into the limitlessness of expanding from and creating with our uniqueness embraced and at heart?
  • What happens when we allow less of ourselves to be expressed (parts of ourselves that we keep hidden or locked away) and those around us attempt to put us in a box of perceived identity that over time weighs heavy on us? 
  • How do we feel when we know we’ve disallowed our true nature, or full uniqueness, and we feel trapped, small, imprisoned within an unmatched identity, etc.?
  • What happens when we put a stopper, a border, boundary on ourselves that disallows our growth and evolution — and ultimately our expressed greatness?
  • What happens when we allow an entire society to be built this way?

We’re seeing that (aren’t we?), and it needs to change.

We are the change-makers. It’s time. Together, paving the path will get lighter as we all commit to being all of who we are. NO MORE SHRINKING.

It’s SO key on our path of Great Awakening to recognize this! 

It’s important to notice when and why we’re choosing and allowing ourselves to shy from (or abandon) our UNIQUENESS — from all that makes us who and what we really are in this lifetime we’re living.

In this week’s IllumiNature Energy Reset, this topic gets addressed in enlightening and empowering ways. It’s becoming clearer and clearer that fully owning, and freely expressing our uniqueness is a solid key to us claiming and actively building a new world reality forward for ourselves, for our human family, and for the wellbeing of this entire planet.


Enough subscribing to ‘other’s’ notion of who we are meant to be, how we are meant to be, what we are meant to do and how we are meant to do it.


It is the inner-foundational support we need (and it’s hardwired and accessible within each and every one of us!) to elevate and confirm that it is ALL about embracing, unifying, accepting, harmonizing, and relating with our amplified uniquenesses to co-create limitlessly  … and it has nothing to do with division or separation or same-same-ness!

What I LOVE about Oneness Consciousness (the way Source delivers its essence to me), is that it’s not about bypassing and ‘rising above’ as some of today’s thought leaders or spiritualists would have us think … it IS about HUMANizing the experience of it. We ARE human, in this here and now, afterall. 

By way of our activated Oneness Consciousness from within, we are here to unify, harmonize, relate, embrace, connect … and be open, receptive, trusting, allowing and fully expressing in our uniqueness. This is the filter through which everything flows.

(From around 13:57 forward in this week’s Reset Message)

Oneness Consciousness is NOT divisive, diminishing, or denying … it does not vibrate with separation or fear … it IS the Source of our essence … and it does NOT equal SAMEness.

Oneness Consciousness is NOT about everything and everybody being Same-Same.

“The vibrational essence of Oneness in its most expanded, hard to define context, is the ultimate informer within us … it helps us to pave our path in conscious Light, goodness, compassion, loving kindness, yes! BUT, it does NOT encourage sameness, it completely supports uniqueness in the most beautiful ways … because in oneness consciousness no one is excluded, no one is put aside or made to feel less than. In that way, there is FULL embracing, full equality, full equanimity, full agency, full empowerment, fully emboldened, courageous Presence, in the fullness of our uniqueness, completely embraced.”

Oneness Consciousness encourages and supports uniqueness, because NO ONE is excluded or put aside or made to feel less than.

We Can Ask Ourselves: 

  • Where have I allowed fear or outside influences and controls to hold me back from full power of my Self-Knowing and Uniqueness Expressing?
  • Where have I allowed fear to keep me apart from all of who I am?
  • Have I subscribed to some sort of separation that doesn’t even exist? 
  • How is ‘distinction in uniqueness’ different from separation and division?
  • How ready am I to be more conscious in owning my uniqueness and sharing it with the world? 
  • How can I support myself in doing this? How can I support others in doing this?

Some Symptoms of Self-Abandoning Our Uniqueness Post Social Settings:

  • Feeling depleted, emotionally drained, energetically blah
  • Feeling unfulfilled (mentally, emotionally, etc.)
  • Feeling insecure, questioning how we were received and perceived
  • Feeling ignored, unseen, unheard, unrecognized … disconnected
  • Wondering if we’ll ever be able to be who we really are
  • Feeling the desire to withdraw socially more and more to avoid these feelings

How to Know if You May Be Denying Your Uniqueness:

  • Feeling personally shut-off, closed down, withdrawn
  • Feeling afraid to speak your truth, afraid to put your true voice into the mix
  • Curbing your enthusiasm
  • Dialing back your quirks
  • Not claiming your needs/wants
  • Abandoning your needs to be accepted
  • Not wanting to ‘ruffle feathers’ or ‘upset the apple cart’ or ‘rock the boat’
  • Choosing to ‘act’ or ‘perform’ to fit an expected role or situation
  • Dressing to meet the crowd, over dressing to fit your personal style and be YOU
  • Calling yourself weird or crazy, derogatorily
  • Not wanting to draw too much attention to yourself for doing something ‘different’
  • Having a strong desire to fit into the ‘social norms’, to blend in
  • Feeling unmotivated, uncreative, uninspired
  • Constantly questioning what others are thinking about you

I fully subscribe to my personal version of crazy! I like it. (No apologies!)

… but sometimes I still catch myself watering it down for others. I want to stop doing that. 
… and sometimes I still feel like there’s no place for me, outside the world I’ve created that immediately surrounds me. I want to change that.

How about you?

In my experience, I’ve grown to know that I’m most happy, connected, and joyfully fulfilled when I’m in full-allowing of my own personal version of me — all the crazy, weird, super-sensitive parts included — and when I’m in full-allowing of sharing myself in this unfiltered, authentic way.

Every day I invite myself more fully into this commitment to my uniqueness. It’s a journey.

In full transparency … the bullet points above came through because I’ve experienced each and every one of them at one point or time. Sometimes, some of them, even still. I’m human. WITH YOU!

It starts here, with each one of us.
It’s a journey! The road before us needs our committed, loving attention.
We’re rebuilding the world we know is possible, together.

This is just a beginning of a conversation … there’s always so much more to explore.
I’d love to hear from you! What does the energy of this topic spark within you?

All LOVE, all the way, all ways, always!

Tune in to this week’s energy reset

Tune in here

So Much Loving Support is Ready for You!

Join us inside IllumiNature Circle and get full access to our ever-expanding Library of reSources, including some great ones to help further support you freeing and expressing your full uniqueness.

New this week for our IllumiNature Circle members:

Super reSources to support this important theme of Living Our Uniqueness + Aligning with the Truth of Oneness Consciousness Within

Sessions with Savi to Help BOOST + FREE Your Uniqueness!

Are you ready for a private session journey?

I want to help you soar!

Connect and let’s schedule a session —

For more info: