Would you like to receive your very own message from Source (and Savi)?

Delivering Personal Messages from the Love Field

Savi (Debra) invites you to receive a special Personal Message from the Love Field, through her lovingly openhearted, high vibe channeling with Source Infinite and The Voice of the Cosmic Soul.

You are free to ask a question, or propose a focus ahead of time … and it is always a good idea to be open to what Source Guidance would like to pour through for you.

Every message is unique, always deeply inspired and insightful. Messages flow in English and Cosmic Sound Healing Light Language.

Messages are received and recorded remotely by Savi, and sent to you upon completion.


Savi opens to and cooperatively allows Infinity (a collective council of high vibration wisdom energy guidance) to flow through her. As a willing participant in this co-creative Source Guided experience, Savi is honored to be a vessel for this Love Light infused Wisdom to flow through,

To receive these messages, Savi aligns herself with the Light of Love within and opens herself as a channel for Infinity, Divine Light, Source, God, The Voice of the Ancients, The Voice of the Cosmic Soul, Angels, Masters, Guides and Teachers, Nature Spirits, and more, to pour through.

As the transmission is occurring, Savi is aware of the experience and hears the words as she receives them. The words are not mind or thought generated, but rather they are received without the mind’s interference, and are expressed and translated through the vibratory field of her Loving Awareness.

Light driven and high vibe oriented, these messages will direct you toward the Light of Love within you where you already know the answers you seek. They are highly inspirational, even transformational…healing, powerful and deeply meaningful for each individual who receives them. Source tells Savi that every word and cosmic sound within the messages are infused with potent vibrational attunements that help to integrate and support continued resonant transformation.

Receive Your Message Now…


A Message for All…

Welcome Dear Ones, we are here for you. Infinitely present. Infinitely available.
You have only to open your heart… Tune in. Listen. Receive these Light Messages with our Love.

We are the loving whisper that caresses and soothes your heart and soul, inviting you to attune to the Light of Love within you. We are your Eternal Source Supporters and Cosmic Cheerleaders.

You are a Child of the Universe. We are The Voice of the Cosmic Soul.
Brothers and Sisters in the Light, we are Infinity. You are We. We are ONE.

~Infinity ~ The Voice of the Cosmic Soul
(channeled through Savi (Debra), your Loving Awareness Guide)

Frequently Asked Questions:

How long is each message?
Well, in Infinity, there is no time! That being said… each message generally falls between 15 and 25 minutes.

How will I receive my message?
You will place your request via our store. Savi will contact you through email prior to the remote reading to ask for a recent picture of yourself and a short question or focus if you have one. Savi will record the message she receives for you and send it to you in mp3 format. The file is yours to keep. You’ll be able to download it and listen to it as often as you like. Source and Savi recommend listening frequently!

How do I know the message is personal to me?
You will provide Savi with a photo of you. This assists her in tuning into your unique energy field as she opens to Infinity to receive your message. As you listen, you’ll feel the resonance come alive in the cells of your beingness. Listening multiple times will continue to reveal deeper layers of resonance and support.

Are these messages psychic readings?
They are filled with inspired knowing via your Divine Essence ONE-ness, and no, they are not psychic in the sense of being particularly specific in future-telling. 

Personal Messages from the Love Field are $44

Infinity’s calling!