Full spectrum of feelings, waves rushing for all. Me too!! Friends & loved ones crying out, wanting to know they’re not alone in their feelings, thoughts and experiences. Earlier today, this poured through in response to a friend’s post … It felt good to allow my heart to share and support … words I mySelf needed to hear. We all need to remind each other, and hold each other close at

!!!Dear One (and all) … thank you for sharing your hearts. We’re all heavy in the feels … the waves come in and they retreat … We truly are all in this together. I can’t imagine anyone in a human body right now who’d say that they haven’t experienced a single moment of panic, fear, sadness, loss, anger, frustration, anxiety … etc.!!What’s important is that we own our feelings, and that we know that here, in this circle, it’s safe to express what we feel and know that we are embraced for all of who we are, not just for who we are when we’re feeling strong, courageous, powerful, unstoppable, and invincible.And in this moment, it’s good to own that we know who we are when we have those feelings as well. Just because we’re feeling completely freaked out in one moment, doesn’t dim the fierceness of our power (Light) within. What it does is confirms that we are human BEings.

We can know our greatness, and be in touch with our vulnerabilities. Moreover, we can see that allowing our vulnerability is a superpower, just as much as any other! To allow vulnerability is to be authentic and brave. To allow our vulnerability is to allow ourselves to MOVE through energies and emotions…to allow them to keep flowing, rather than getting dammed up only to erupt in other ways at other times.This is a powerful time for us to accept all of who we are…to embrace our inner child whose reality feels to be crumbling beneath us. It’s a time for us to at once be the mother and the child. To draw our inner selves close and whisper softly into our hearts … everything will be OK … we will get through this … and magical outcomes always rise out of the darkest nights.It can feel like we’re being stripped bare … all that we thought we’d built for our safety and security can feel like it’s disappearing in a flash.But what is real in that? Where are we in each moment? Are we still here? Are we breathing? Do we have each other? What makes up the reality that tells us we’re loved, we’re safe, we’re whole, we’re OK?If we can realize that no one and no thing can create that outside of ourselves, then we’ll be coming into some peace from within.I’ve had my share of crazy these past few weeks, believe me!!Anxiety and panic that have been worse than episodes I used to experience years back that encouraged me along the path of presence and Loving Awareness that I live and share today… I’ve had to put my own words, my own medicine, my own power of will to work every single day multiple times and there continue to be moments when it is way less than easy.That being said, I KNOW I have within me what it takes to come through this, and I KNOW you do, too!If we can pause to breathe and remind ourselves of all that surrounds us that is not broken … focus on all that surrounds us that is still in harmony, balance and goodness … all of us can easily see or feel at least three things … focus there … breathe into that space … And commit, one step, one breath at a time, to slow down … to reorient, reset, give ourselves a time out … then we begin to have growing moments of balance, we begin to feel our power and we can rise up! … until the next wave comes … because it will … but this time, we’ll see it coming, we’ll feel it coming … we won’t feel bad about it, we’ll embrace it, allow it, thank it and let it flow on through the river, because now we’ve committed to reorienting, to breathing, to believing and knowing the only way out is through … and that we DO have the power to choose how much GRACE we allow along the way.Whew! I surely didn’t think so many words were going to pour out.If anyone takes the time to read this, I hope you did so with a warm cup of tea or hot coffee in hand!!

There’s so much I feel to share about this journey as it’s flowing through me and my awareness … and most days, so far, I just don’t have the energy it takes to share it all out there! [yet]Getting on my mat first thing every morning is my saving grace.I’d been skipping that as I allowed the wave to sweep me up and went full force into preparedness mode! Gosh … crazy.I think I’m nearing a stilling now … a place of surrender … a place where I can come hOMe to center and create balance from there instead of feeling like a spinning top flying all over the place!

I posted a few great videos from other dear hearts yesterday that really helped to express a lot of what’s been on my heart, I love that others are feeling they have the energy to share what I would, if I had the energy to! (getting real and authentically accepting and honoring our inner needs is square one to this journey)It’s important that we all use this time to reset, recenter, balance, harmonize … transform … and get super clear about who we are and what we want to BE and DO in this wild and crazy awesome life we’ve been given. I feel like Mama Earth has gifted us this time, even if it’s super scary and unsettling at times.I had a conversation with Marci this morning and the word GRIEVING came up … as soon as we finished talking, the first thing I saw was an article titled, “That Discomfort You’re Feeling Is Grief”. Shared by another dear friend in Minnesota who’s been feeling so very challenged on every level by all of this. I read the article and knew it was time for me to come find this post thread that I read last night, but couldn’t write back because it was too close to sleep time and I feel all kinds of fragile at that time right now. It’s good I waited … I’d have been up until waaaay past my bedtime if I’d have written then!

I swear … I was just going to say, I’m feeling all the feels too and drop the link to the article!!

I love you all! Take good care!! Love yourselves up like crazy!! Accept and allow the FLOW of all the feels … and know that we’re all here, together … and we will be when this all passes … imagine the joyful celebrations and powerful creations that will surely come to be!!