It’s Energy Check-In Time! (repeat consistently)

Dear Brave Hearts … I want to know how you’re BEing, Feeling, and Flowing these days!
I would so LOVE for you to share with me, and most crucially, I want you to do this simple check-in practice for yourself repeatedly.

If you’ve been catching yourself ‘powering through’ (a societal imprint that does not serve, and causes burn-out, disconnect, and mega-anxiety), stop. Love and honor yourSelf with an Energy Check-In at minimum once daily.

Self-Check-Ins are critical right now! These days, especially!
In this week’s video, I offer a pathway of questions to help guide your way toward greater clarity, growth, and transformation. This is SO important.

  • Lean into the questions with your whole body and BEing, not just your mental mind, or emotional body.
  • Tap into Whole Self Inquiry and Listening.
  • Notice the subtle messages as well as the obvious.

We need to be listening inward, asking important questions, and honoring what we’re really feeling and thinking … so that we KNOW (from the inside out) what our Truth and Clarity are as we move forward consciously, creating the new world we wish to see.

This video gives your a supportive launching off point to begin your regular IllumiNature Energy Check-Ins!

Be well, dear ones … treat yourSelves gently!
All Love, Savi

Click to watch

Sound Off! I’m Requesting Your Input!

Simply RESPOND to this email. Thank You!

Your willing input can support and guide the flow of messages coming through.
I am sincerely so curious to hear from you …

Here are guided prompts to respond to:
  • Are there any questions you would pose to Source through me, regarding overall/general navigation during these highly transformative times?
  • What are some Conscious BEing-ness topic areas you feel you could use more support, loving guidance, and encouragement with?
  • Send me a list of words that describe the landscape of your human experience right now … don’t hold back … send words that describe the highs and the lows of your lived experience.

In Case You Missed It …

Last week’s video directly supports this week’s! Practice the Art of Conscious Syncing + BEingness & Doingness and how to maximize their relationship for you Highest Good.

click to watch

Midsummer Kirtan this Sunday! (7/24 – 11-1)

Kirtan on the Porch at Loving Awareness Sanctuary
Sunday, July 24, 2022
11 am – 1:00 pm
+ BYO Picnic Lunch to follow kirtan, for anyone wishing to stay.

(This is not a potluck, but rather a BYO lunch. In addition, if you wish to bring a treat to share with the group, you may.)

Please RSVP to: if you plan to join us.

Join us for a midsummer celebration of high vibe mantra music with Mark and Savi & Brilliant Bliss. Chant, sing and connect with like-hearted, soul-elevating commUNITY … and celebrate Jill and Savi’s birthdays, too!
CLICK HERE for ALL of the INFO/DETAILS: Midsummer Kirtan this Sunday
To RSVP, respond to this email.