Loving Self-Reflection + What Makes it Tricky Sometimes – Savi’s Intuitive Insights

This week’s IllumiNature Energy Reset asks us to encourage LOVING Self-Reflection for ourselves.

Stop right there. Before reading any further … pause … notice what rises up when you read the words
LOVING Self-Relection … anything? Just notice. Be the witness.

OK … Now we continue.

In this week’s message, we’re invited to consider: 

  • How LOVING are we in our Self-Reflection? 
  • As we self-reflect, are we open, receptive, unbiased, curious, inquiring, embracing, AND supportive to and for ourselves, with a willingness to grow, shift, change, evolve, and expand?
  • Do we ever find ourselves substituting Loving Self-Reflection with self-criticism, self-consciousness, or self-doubt? 
  • Do we ever treat ourselves with self-denigrating, self-bullying, self-sabotaging, or self-judging energy?
  • How aware are we of where and how we operate on this spectrum and how it serves us?

GUIDANCE INVITATION ~ You may wish to take a moment to journal with these questions before continuing

Here are some of my own observations — with some raw, vulnerable transparency:

  1. I notice that I 100% know the difference between Loving Self-Reflection and the not so loving versions. And I notice that having that awareness doesn’t always mean I’m choosing the most loving and supportive version with mySelf.
  2. I notice that when I’m operating in not so loving flows of self-reflection that I’m aware I’m doing it (pretty much immediately) and sometimes I allow myself to continue
    • This means I’m consciously choosing to badger myself, to be unkind and unsupportive. And it means there’s a part of me that believes I don’t deserve better. 
    • For me, this also means I’m operating from a deeper wound, a soul hurt, or a societal pressure that is activated, and I’m allowing it to hold me apart from who I know I really am … to hold me apart from my Infinite Presence where I am whole, and loved, connected, and lovingly aware.
    • And gradually, I am able to embrace this all into my accepting heart of Presence, allowing Loving Self-Reflection, and supporting myself through by acknowledging what is all at play.

Being Aware…

Being aware. That’s the key, the ticket, the gift.

Being aware of being aware. Icing on the cake.

Being LOVINGLY aware. That’s the path, the prize, and the journey.

Healthy, Loving Self-Reflection is our natural way. It’s what we’re hard-wired toward.

But, have we forgotten how? Does the modern world (and playing our part in it) have us outer-reflecting without even realizing it? Is it possible that we find ourselves feeling disempowered when self-reflecting? Why? 

It’s important for us to remember that our awareness is ours — always.

Source delivered this message directly to me regarding this topic …

“Loving Self-Reflection is your naturalness. The modern world (and all in and of it) have created a reality where you can feel shut down inside, so shut down … frozen to your own capable self-reflection by outside influence that tells you constantly from every direction what to think, how to be, who to be, how to react or respond — and therefore you’ve lost your natural wonder of curiosity to question and explore and to relate from within. More concerning, Dear Ones, you’re losing your ability to trust yourselves. 

Learning to be Lovingly Self-Reflective again is key. Turning on the Lamp of Your Inner-Alignment and your Inner-Awareness will guide your way on. Trust it.”

When I inquired: How do we know when we’re engaging in Self-Reflection that supports and serves us?
Here’s what flowed through …

“You will know that you’re observing Healthy Self-Reflection when these qualities are at the helm of your reflecting … encourage and foster these qualities ~

Loving, accepting, embracing



Curious / Inquiring

Open / Receptive

Present / Presence (in the moment, not past or future focused)

… and a willingness to grow, shift, change, evolve, and transform”

When I asked: How can we meet the voices within us that are steeped in unserving and unsupportive energies?
I received …

“Meet self-doubt by growing Self-Trust

Meet self-sabotage by growing Self-Support

Meet self-denigrating, belittling, self-depricating energy by growing Self LOVE, Self-Worth, and Self-Respect

Meet self-denial, dismissal, and diminishing or abandoning energy by growing in Self-Allowing and Self-Embracing energy

Meet self-judgment by growing in Self-Acceptance, Self-Authority, and Self-Appreciation

… and ask yourself — How do I treat myself when I observe that I’m in a self-negating spin? Ask — Do I beat myself up some more, or do I consciously pivot and center in LOVE again?

At times, your good-intentioned deep dives can quickly take a past-patterned turn and become pathways riddled with self-doubt or self-denigrating thoughts …
Oh no! I suck! I’m not good enough! I knew I couldn’t do this right! Why am I so incapable?! Etc.
When you become aware this is happening, be willing to do this:
STOP — OBSERVE — REORIENT … LOVINGLY, with Pure Presence … and proceed.
Repeat as necessary. Presence within you will never judge how often this pattern is repeated. Presence within you will only lovingly support and guide in every now-moment, infinitely.
LOVE is the predominant force within you. Love is always there for you to operate from. It is your natural course and informs your true north. Pivot to LOVE and begin again. Lovingly, begin again.”

Have we become armored to healthy self-reflection?

As I sat with these insights and messages, it rose up how armored we’ve become to healthy self-reflection.

We’ve been taught and conditioned to dismiss and hide our feelings, lest we be shamed, guilted, ostracized, ridiculed. If we show feelings we’re told we need to be strong, capable, reliable, etc. We’ve been told our feelings make us weak, incapable, unreliable, and maybe even uncontrollable. 

So we learn how to adapt, to posture, armor, and perform to fit into molds of inauthentic, compromised being-ness … and our human spirits become numb, shut down, and apathetic.

Our armoring (self-protection/self-preservation, necessary, yet unserving ultimately) to our own healthy self-reflection has made us fearful of what we may discover if we allow ourselves to truly reflect … 

What if we discover —

  • That we won’t be able to handle it (our emotions, our truth, etc.) and then what if we don’t know what to do?
  • That it will mean change and growth ahead, and what if we’re not ready or we can’t handle it?
  • That we won’t fit into what others expect of us or need from us?
  • That we no longer fit into the neat, compartmentalized box we’ve created for our life?

And this makes us so afraid that we will do anything to “BE FINE” — we’ll repress, suppress, and numb ourselves with distraction, outside stimulation, addiction, etc.

And the monster of self-denial, self-betrayal, and self-abandonment is unleashed within us, sometimes cleverly masked, sometimes ragingly seen and felt.

We’ve fallen prey to our own self-protective, unconscious conditioning — supported by the scene of naturalized and normalized societal and self-oppression.

HOPE RISES with our Awareness!

Our AWARENESS of all of this is our growing HOPE toward reclaiming our True Naturalness and inherent Loving Inner Authority that is always ready for our fine tuning and leaning in.

As I allowed myself to sit with all of this and feel into it deeply, I received this from Source in conclusion …

“Healthy Self-Reflection is 100% available and accessible — are you willing to allow, are you willing to know that you are fully worthy and deserving of your own LOVE, your own Loving Presence?
The KEY here is: LOVING PRESENCE is ALWAYS with you, with-IN you, never lost! 
The countenance of your Truth, your steadfast, abiding Presence is never lost — it cannot be! No matter what — beyond time, space, and form, to Infinity and Beyond … beyond constraint or condition — You are Ever-Presence and Ever-Presence reigns within.
This very Ever-Presence ensures your ability to lovingly self-reflect, to willingly be present and supportive to your own lived experience. And thereby, you begin to reclaim and take ownership of your awareness, your alignment, and importantly, your Self-Sovereignty again. 
You come alive in valuing and honoring your Truth, your awareness, and your alignment. And as you do, we step into yourSelves fully, on purpose — you step into your Power and create new pathways of healthy Self-Reflection on a foundation of worthy Self-Love.
Strengthen your field of Self-Love, Self-Acceptance, and Self-Trust, Dear Ones.
You are worthy. You are loved. You are Love.”

May we all have the courage to love ourselves fiercely and boldly.

May we reclaim all parts of ourselves in love.

May we know the right we have to lovingly self-reflect and engage in it authentically.

Thank you all for receiving these insights. May they serve us well on our path of Great Awakening.

In Loving Awareness,
