Mantra Meditation is Good Medicine

There’ve been plenty of emotional waves and stormy energetic seas to navigate lately (gratefully also, plenty of rainbows and glorious sunny conditions!) … There are a few things that will always buoy me up as I tread my way to calmer waters where I feel safe and in my center. One of them is using my voice to hum, sing, and chant. Mantra meditation and mantra singing always brings me back, lifts me up, and helps center my awareness in my power, and in the power of love. 

There was something especially powerful about my practice today … I sat down to tune into a mantra flow for tonight’s meditation class. As I did, the weather outside shifted from sunny to dark and the skies opened up with the most cleansing downpour. It often happens that nature and I are in chorus together during my mantra practices, synced in the energy that is flowing, clearing, and transforming.

Without much thought from my thinking mind, I naturally started chanting a portion of the Heart Sutra that I know and love for it’s ability to clear away all of the cobwebs and fog as clarity and purity rise up from within. 

Allowing the sound vibrations to flow freely, I noticed a shift in the vibrational current and I seamlessly began chanting another mantra … that continued for some long while …

As I chanted, I noticed I began to palpably feel lighter and lighter, in my body, and in my spirit. I felt seen, heard, and held … by myself, and by the greater part of me that is ever-Presence. 

I continued to chant, fully embodied, eyes closed, just my heart, my breath, the sound of my voice, the harmonium, and the rain …

I felt re-connected and ALIVE.

The mantra vibrations showed me the way … back to center, into Presence, and the way forward, living and leading from the JOY in my heart that reminds me daily that living here and now is so very much on purpose and we’re all here to remind each other of that, every moment of every day.

I can’t wait to chant with everyone tonight.

Mantras are my medicine.

My practice is my healing.

And to share this with all who feel called to join is my heart’s true joy and passion.

If you’re still here reading this, and you are able to join the circle with us for an hour of mantra meditation, please do!

This is now a regular class I’ll be sharing at Being Collective, every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month from 6:30-7:30.

It’s just $15 per class and the money goes to help grow Being Collective as a Center for Connection, Community, and WellBEing for all of us.

My dream is to see these practices reach everyone who needs them … which is anyone who can benefit from feeling more embraced, accepted, embodied, and empowered … anyone who wishes transform feelings of stress, anxiety, fogginess, hopelessness, and general disconnect. This is a healthy practice that can truly make a difference given the chance.

I’ll meet you in the circle!

<3 <3 <3

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