March Message from the Love Field

This month’s message is packed with FIERY FERVOR!

Have you been feeling the inner heat? Is there a fire of passion, longing, or change creatively brewing within? Have your emotions been a bit on the heated side? Have you felt fired up about a few things?
I know I have. And so, it came as no surprise when the message for March came in with an ignited power and urgency. It’s potent. enJOY… and here’s to transformation! … to the power of fire, catalyzed for good, from the inside, out!
Received in part on February 26th during pranayama and meditation while tuning in to the energy shifts arising on the cusp of the new month. The depth of the message came through on March 1, 2016


Ignite and Rise! Transform!

Rise up!
The fire of your Source Nature is ignited – burning strong.

Take flight.
Rise above all that would tether you to less than the Supreme Light BEing that you are.

Allow all that is not a match to the Illuminated Nature of Your BEing to fall away…
Returning to the earth – planted to be rebirthed as new energy that will serve and feed a new higher vibration.


March Message from the Love Field
March Message from the Love Field

Are you listening to the call of your heart?
Can you feel your soul’s wings spreading wide within you?
Break through!
Break free!
Catalyze change –
Expand into your greatness, into your wildest dreams. Allow them to become real.
Trust the dance.
Trust your inner guidance.

What would happen if you took the leap?
What would happen if you said yes?
What would happen if you rose up and took action on that which has been awakening within you?

What is it that you shrink from?
What is it that pulls you from your heart and soul’s yearning?

What if everything you do from this breath forward has the power to uplift and shape a new world reality – yours and the collective?
Would you sit idly by?
Would you do absolutely everything the same as you are now choosing to?
Is there anything you would shift?

Why would you wait?
What is it that you’re waiting for?

The rhythm of the dance is quickening.
The cosmic pulse is calling your heart forth into rhythm with the All.
Your choices matter.
Your happiness, your joy, your experience matters.

It’s time for your rebirth.
Time for renewal – time for resurrection of the light within you that fuels the flame of your very BEing forth.
Become consciously aware – lovingly aware of the Source Nature that you are.

Attune yourself to the Inner Fire that fuels your creative imagination – the Inner Fire that begs you to move, to take action, to dance, to come alive!

Do you fear the fire?
Do you fear the greatness that is within you?
Why? …when it is the very flame that breathed you into BEing, by the Divine Spark.
Your very life was ignited by the Creative Spark of Infinity.
Your very existence thrives on the fire of your Source Nature, in harmony with the Band of Elementals that support your experiential flow.

Trust that you are ready to allow the fire within you to rise – catalyzed for good – harnessed by the Illuminated Nature of Infinity.
You are aligned in the most activated current – supercharged, ready to carry the momentum of your experience ever forward toward your most brilliant expression.

The fire within you begs you to be seen. Your Inner Fire wants you to reveal yourself.
Allow the most authentic, raw, beautiful, shining aspects of yourself to step forward into the Light.
No more hiding.

And who is it that the fire invites you to reveal yourself to?
Your very waking self… first and foremost… that part of you that would keep your Source Nature undercover, hidden, playing small.

Your Inner Fire transforms the aspects of you that you hold onto for reasons that are in disservice to your higher good – your greater awakened BEcoming.

Let go!
Reveal yourself to those parts of you that choose darkness and shadow over Light.
Reveal the Light of Your BEing to those parts of you that stand in your own way, putting up blocks and barriers to the seen, well-blazed path before you.

Give all aspects of yourself, your thinking, your doing – all aspects that hold you separate from Source in any way, to the Flame of Love that burns within and allow the fire to fully and completely transform it all – reshaping your brilliance with new facets of your BEingness that can now shine forth as you walk forward, lit up, empowered from within.
By Thy Grace, you are reborn, anew.

How? How can I do this, you ask?
By stepping into the fire, trusting the transformation, ignited by the Light of Love within you.

Give yourself to your Inner Loving Awareness.
Surrender to Source Infinity – God…
And trust that the cosmos is at your side, lifting you up, supporting your choice to RISE,
to stand tall,

Revel in the Light of your being.
Harness the fire of passion within you.
Recognize that it grows your radiance.
Tame the flame, befriend it, it is your ally.

When you align with the Source Nature of your being there is only truth, and the path before you, lit like a beacon in the night, guides your way on.

Any darkness you perceive is simply an area you’ve yet to cast your Light.
Judge not.
Just BEAM!

Where can you reveal more LIGHT?
How can you share more LIGHT?
When will you allow yourself to RISE,
fully illuminated,
in your power,
ready to serve in the Light of Love?
The time is now.

Every angst, every anger, every frustration… is a call from the Source of You, reminding you of the fire within that can transform all.
Harness it, transform it, use it for good!

Every hug – a demonstration of your fire ignited and shared.
Every thought, every breath, every word, every deed…consciously activated by the Power of Love within you, is YOU standing in the Light of Love… stoking the fire of creative expression toward the Oneness of All Creation to Infinity and Beyond.

There is no thing too small.
There is no thing too great.
All there is, is the focused Truth of your intention – lit by the Light of Love in All.

So, when you need reminding, how can you do this?
Remember you are already doing it each and every time you choose love over fear, love over all, and you stand in the gleaming bright nature of your Divine Self.

Like the Phoenix, you RISE,

Renewed, revitalized, reborn – alive and filled with the fire of creation at hand.
You are powerful beyond measure.
And to yourSelf, be true.
You are the Light of Love.
We are the Light of Love.
We are ONE.
All present.
All aflame, in the Light of Love.

Messages from the Love Field Archive

When you need an Infinity Boost…and some upliftment from The Love Field, we invite you to visit our archive and immerse again and again in the Messages that reside there for you.
Here’s the link: Messages from the Love Field Archive

Sharing Messages from the Love Field:

May all who read these Messages from the Love Field feel the vibrational frequency of Infinite Love that I feel pouring through me as I receive them.  May you all be blessed by Divine Grace and come into deeper and deeper harmony with the Light of Love within you as you read each transmission.
I feel so blessed by this experience and I’m deeply honored to be called to share these messages with all of you.  It is by standing authentically in the Light of Love of our BEings that we are meant to SHINE forth in this world, sharing our hearts and souls in Love Light Truth, and encouraging others to do the same.
If this message moves you, inspires you…lifts you up and resonates with you in some way,
in gratitude, 
I invite you to please share it, in its entirety, along with these paragraphs from me.
Bowing deep…honoring the Light of Love within you, with gratitude…
All LOVE…all the way!
Go Now… And Dance in the Light of Love!
Loving Awareness Life Guide

Life Guidance Sessions with Debra ~

If you feel your heart longing for more support, guidance and upliftment as you navigate your life’s journey, I am available for private sessions. (in person, locally or via the web, globally)
Now, more than ever, we need to feel supported as we grow and expand…consciously awakening in our Loving Awareness.  I’d be so honored to help guide your way on!
For more information, read about my sessions here