Monarch’s Transformation, New Moon, Equinox Blessings

The following is the sharing of my bearing witness to Monarch’s Transformation in the Light … just beyond my doorstep! (…as if Monarch did not want me to miss it!) … on the cusp of this month’s New Moon, just days before the Equinox! This feels more than a little bit auspicious, in the best way!
May you receive the power of this blessing!

As I sat down to share an entirely different post about the Transformation I’ve Been Witnessing this Summer, my hands raised to the keyboard, I distinctly heard…

Get up! Go outside now! She’s emerging!

I know better than to ignore such an urged prompting! I got up, grabbed my phone (for the camera), headed out the door and gazed down the veranda to the left. Yes! It was indeed true! The Monarch chrysalis we’d been observing had opened and the beautiful newly transformed butterfly was taking her first breaths in this form, still suspended in time from her translucent, golden gilded chrysalis.

Transformation in the Light ~ Emerge!

Life. Nature. It can really amaze and delight you, if you allow for it.

Monarch butterflies have always invited a certain magical, mystical nature in me. They elevate me … transporting me to the higher realms of my awareness and connection with Source Infinite.
They are regal, majestic, vibrant, vivid, and beautiful beyond words.
They’re the epitome of transformation.
In grace and ease, they flow with the current of their BEcoming.
They don’t seem to question who they are…or who they are to BEcome.
They just know. They just flow. Trusting in the next greater unfolding of their brilliance.

Source within me ~ I know who I Am

Monarchs help me to embody the Truth within myself.
Through their natural transformative flow, they encourage me toward the same…
Allowing Grace and Ease to guide me ever more, with each breath, thought, choice, action…within and without…toward my Source Infinite Self, in full expression.

Wings unfurled, I rise…I fly…I soar.
Creatively expressing my Love Light Truth, bringing my gifts of soul beauty and resonant harmony to the world.

When it’s time to go within, listen…allow…go deep. Transformation is at hand.

I don’t know if Monarch knows how she moves and inspires me.
I send her my heartfelt, infinite gratitude…

I see her gift of Transformation in the Light, occurring right before my very eyes, as a sign … as confirmation, that I am on my right track, that I am meant to be consciously, day by day, allowing the unfoldment of my most brilliant potential to be expressed and shared in harmony with the glorious beauty that surrounds me.

As I turn toward the Source Love Light Truth within…all becomes clear.

In her making her transformation visible to me, I feel ever more assured that I am to live my transformation out loud…and encourage others toward their glorious magnificence along the way.

I hear her whispering to me, as she breathes slow and deep…aligning, allowing for right timing…centering, preparing to take flight for the first time …
I hear her whispering to my heart, you too shall fly, allowing the Light of the Infinite to shine through you. We are a reflection of the One. One Grace. One Light. One Love. One Beauty. One Magnificence. We are One.

I trust. I allow. My brilliance shall be revealed. I align… Source Infinite within, I Am

I hear Monarch inviting me to be BOLD in my creative expression, to release the need to play small, to fly courageously onward and upward…all the while uplifting and inspiring others to do the same. I bow. In humble gratitude… This is my prayer.

Thank you, Monarch… for your beauty, your grace, your strength and faith in the power of transformation … for your ability to call me forth to bear witness, to observe the tender miracle of your BEcoming.

Bold in my Brilliance. I Am Free.

Thank you for inspiring me, for encouraging me forward on my Truth course, for reminding me of the Divine in All, for All.

Thank you for showing me that right timing is to be sensed, felt and trusted.

Thank you for affirming that in the aligning and allowing, Grace in Ease flows without effort.

Thank you for reminding me to nurture, from the inside, out.

Thank you for showing me that Beauty is a reflection of Source that expands my heart and opens me to greater elevation and radiance.

Thank you for your wisdom, your Truth and your capacity to lead me to the higher realms of my awareness.

Thank you, Monarch. I love you.
I love the reflection of Source Light within you, through you, as you.

In your reflection, I see my own.
We are One.
Transformation in the Light.
We are One.

New Moon and Equinox Blessings from my Heart to Yours!

Brilliant New Moon, Equinox, Transformation in the Light Blessings for ALL!

What a blessing! Observing LIFE. Observing all that surrounds me. Choosing the Beauty in it all. Slowing life, choosing a more land-based, natural flow, in harmony with the seasons and rhythms of nature…simplifying. This has been our prayer…and our navigation.

In the slowing down… I choose to SEE more. I choose to SEE more CLEARLY.
One of the many blessings of this choice has been witnessing nature’s wonders…such as this Monarch transformation!

I share because I wish for others to be able to witness such gloriousness, too...even if for now, just through this post and these pictures.

My prayer is that through my experience, your heart expands right along with mine as you taste the nectar’s sweetness, and find your own navigational pull toward ever-greater alignment with the Source Infinite Nature within you. Transformation in the Light is for All. All in the One, One in the All.

My invitation to you is that you, too, choose … in your own way … to slow down… take time to ponder, to reflect, to allow Divine Messages of Grace to be delivered to you through the receptive window of your hearts.

What do you see, if you choose to look more closely, through the Eyes of Source?
What do you hear, if you choose to listen with more Loving Awareness?
What Transformation in the Light is beckoning you forth?

There is no question that Transformation is the energy of our times.
In the coming days, weeks and months ahead … you will be asked to step courageously forward to express your Truth…in the Light of Who and What You Really Are. This is your destiny. And, it is of your choosing.

How will you shine? What will you radiate? How will you serve? What Source Inspired Action will you take? … It’s time to BE YOU, more fully, more brilliantly, in active creative form. Let the uniqueness of your brilliance through! Let your naturalness come alive!

Be still now… Reflect, ponder, release, align, allow…

The time is near … The time is now … Infinitely, eternally now.

Spread your wings and SOAR as you encourage others to do the same.


Living in greater and greater harmony with nature… Being an active witness to the natural world that surrounds me… Stewarding the land on which we are blessed to live in Loving Awareness… Choosing consciously day by day to commune, immerse, and recognize myself as a part of nature (I am nature, I am ONE with nature.)

This has been my growing bliss over the last year since moving to our Loving Awareness Sanctuary in rural Waupaca, WI. Thank you for allowing me to share with you all.

In Loving Awareness… May you feel the blessings that the turning of the seasons bring. May you taste the sweetness that nature’s gifts bestow. May you know in your hearts the radiance that you are…as you come into ever-greater union with the Source Love Light Truth of who and what you really are!

Be like Monarch. In Grace and Ease…flow into the fullest expression of your Brilliance and shine your Bold, Beautiful Light for all the world. …you may just inspire another to do the same!

Life Guidance Sessions with Debra ~

If you feel your heart longing for more support, guidance and upliftment as you navigate your life’s journey, I am available for private sessions. (in person, locally or via the web, globally)
Now, more than ever, we need to feel supported as we grow and expand…consciously awakening in our Loving Awareness.  I’d be so honored to help guide your way on!
For more information, read about my sessions here

Messages from the Love Field Archive

When you need an Infinity Boost…and some upliftment from The Love Field, we invite you to visit our archive and immerse again and again in the Messages that reside there for you.
Here’s the link: Messages from the Love Field Archive

Sharing Messages from the Love Field:

May all who read these Messages from the Love Field feel the vibrational frequency of Infinite Love that I feel pouring through me as I receive them.  May you all be blessed by Divine Grace and come into deeper and deeper harmony with the Light of Love within you as you read each transmission.
I feel so blessed by this experience and I’m deeply honored to be called to share these messages with all of you.  It is by standing authentically in the Light of Love of our BEings that we are meant to SHINE forth in this world, sharing our hearts and souls in Love Light Truth, and encouraging others to do the same.
If this message moves you, inspires you…lifts you up and resonates with you in some way,
in gratitude, 
I invite you to please share it, in its entirety, along with these paragraphs from me.
Bowing deep…honoring the Light of Love within you, with gratitude…
All LOVE…all the way!
Go Now… And Dance in the Light of Love!
Loving Awareness Life Guide