Mmm…another bountiful, blissful, beautiful morning…
Feeling deeply blessed as I sit here basking in the sweetness of the morning that’s now given way to afternoon.
We started the day with our Summer Thursday Morning Group Loving Awareness Yoga…always so sweet and nectar rich!
Hummingbird Dancing in the Rain!
Just after everyone left the rains moved in.
To our pure delight, we witnessed one of our resident hummingbirds taking an enchantingly long bath in the rain.
He stayed so long I was able to catch some of his sweet shower on camera!
He said he didn’t mind, in fact he said he felt free as a bird!
enJOY the Video!
A Peek Into Our Group Loving Awareness Yoga…
This week, our group practice focused on:
- expanding more intentionally and powerfully into our creative, expressive flow…
- deepening to the full potential of our BEingness,
- feeling supported by Infinity, God, Source,
- trusting that all is well…
- and getting better and better every moment.
The astrology of the day is filled with water… Water asks us, how well do we float…are we willing to allow flow…? Are we like the cork bobbing and floating along, or do we drag in resistance like the anchor? What are we willing to adjust to be freer in our flow?
Today’s practice supported us in feeling more confident and sure in our ability to ‘be the cork’!
As always, we began practice by centering ourselves in Loving Awareness…
- reminding ourselves that we love and accept all of who we are, all of what is…
- and that we choose in every moment to breathe Loving Awareness into each and every thought and action we take.
Loving Awareness is a practice.
It’s something we grow into and create a discipline around. As we expand the field of Loving Awareness, from the inside, out…we become ever more radiant and our lives are enriched with greater joy and fulfillment.

We tuned in and up with the mantra Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo…which means, I call on the Divine Teacher within, I honor the LIGHT within.
- Singing mantra (ancient high vibrational tones and syllables), we activate a deeper connection to Source that resides within us. …and it just FEELS SO GOOD!
Our kriyas today (set of actions in Kundalini yoga) came from the book, Flow of Eternal Power by Shakti Parwha Kaur Khalsa. I love these two in the morning…an absolutely empowering way to start the day! Breathe & Move in the Morning and Sweat and Laugh in the Morning. Yep. We did all of that, for sure!
I love tuning in to the energy of the week, and the energy of the group coming to practice when choosing the flow for our time together. It’s like putting the pieces of a super awesome puzzle together…the kriyas, the mantra music, the inspired in the moment guidance that comes through me as I guide…all fitting together perfectly with the group dynamic for that session. I just love it! …and we’re blessed to receive feedback from those who attend that they love it and look forward to it each week, too.
Loving Awareness & You…
I’d love to hear from you!
- How are you cultivating and nurturing Loving Awareness in your daily experience?
- What have you observed recently, through the eyes of your heart?
- How do you share Loving Awareness with others?
Meet me in the comments…let’s talk! 🙂
Sat Nam … In Bliss,
A wonderful day starting with a wonderful practice with you!!!!! Love the bird bath!!!!
Sat nam
Aw…thanks Dear Siri Kirtan! Our practices are always that much brighter when you’re here in the mix. Love and Sat Nam 🙂