Navigating through Immense Change

It is completely on purpose that we are alive on this planet right now. The world as we know it is changing. WE are changing. How consciously will we participate?

Tender Heart Blessings, Dear Ones…

Change is the only constant. Accepting that is our invitation. Getting consciously onboard with the shifts and changes feels not only wise, but auspicious. Tending to our self-care while growing our awareness and consciously leaning into our very much on purpose Presence here and now is critical.

Click to watch

As I sat down to allow this message to flow in for us, I held just one clear intention … Let what comes through bring us home to healing love within and let that vibration of healing love ripple outward infinitely.

I love where Guidance leads us straightaway … by way of our breath (of course!). Our breath, our connection and relational awareness of it, is medicine and will always guide us home (within). We can harness this power simply by calling upon it, by being intentional, by trusting, by actively participating in our own healing.

It’s super simple. And sometimes we dismiss the simple things forgetting that they are many times the most powerful. The power of our breath to bring healing on all levels needs to be harnessed and revered, certainly not dismissed. For as long as we are in these BEing body temples, our breath is always with us … our true guide, companion, best friend. It never leaves us until we leave our body. Something that reliable and present has to have magical powers, don’t you agree? Our breath is here to save us over and over and over again.

Important ground gets covered in this week’s video:

  • we are here, now, on purpose
  • how do we feel about that … how are we interacting with that knowing?
  • our breath is the one medicine that is always with us
  • change is happening at an increasingly rapid pace … it is swift, sure, and palpable, and it’s happening on all levels … are we embracing, allowing, resisting … all of the above?
  • feeling everything … layers and layers … feeling the collective and it’s imprint on our personal lived experience
  • understanding interconnection at deeper and deeper levels
  • why is our understanding of interconnection so critical right now?
  • realizing the power of intention, the power of our words … consciously engaged with the breath
  • sending out infinite LOVE and healing to all those who need it now and evermore … trusting the infinite expansion of our prayers and intentions

My prayer is that you allow space to listen deeply…and receive clarity, peace, and healing through your receiving.

If you find yourself needing support during these trying times of shift, change, and transformation, I’m here for you. Reach out to schedule a session today. You can simply respond to this email!

This video is dedicated especially to all those whose lives are affected directly and indirectly by the recent hurricanes and tropical storms that have devastated entire regions and communities of our human global family.

Brightest Blessings, Warm Hugs, and BIG LOVE…

~ Savi

If you appreciate these resets, and you’d benefit from further support, join us in IllumiNature Circle ~ a membership space devoted to self-care, self-healing, soul growth & empowered authentic living.

Loving Awareness + IllumiNature Circle Guide, Savi Ma (Debra Gehrke) is a clear channel for Source Infinite and the Voice of the Cosmic Soul. You’ll find her Intuitive Insights & Loving Guidance super supportive on your journey of self-care, self-healing, soul growth, and empowered authentic living. Savi is available for private and group sessions globally via Zoom. Want private session support & guidance with Savi? Learn more here