Dear Heart Light … Brightest Solstice Blessings!
Are you aware of how precious and powerful your innate LIGHT is?
When’s the last time you sat down with your Light and had a true heart to heart conversation? … I’m serious!
Anyone who’s ever told you that talking to yourself isn’t a good thing, doesn’t know the power of having an inner-conversation with our Highest Essence, the Light within us.
These are important, necessary, and healing conversations. Source encourages this ALL the time. And so do I! It makes a world of difference. It makes a difference to our world!
In perfect sync with the solstice energy, receiving key messages from our collective Soul Light is the theme in this week’s video message. Will you make space to listen?
Give yourself the gift of listening and engaging all the way through! There’s magic in here for you!
Like a beautiful guided meditation, this message flows like a river of intuitive connection with nature and Source, meeting us where we are and taking us deep into nurturing Love Light.
Dive in, immerse yourself.
Allow the guidance to enter your heart and send ripples of truth-bumps through your BEing bodies as connect with your LIGHT essence within.
Listen for these key themes … Allow this special message to speak to your heart:
- allowing ourselves to experience deeper and truer connection with ourSelves, via nature
- waking up to the full power and truth of our Light
- where is the Light during challenging times?
- how does truly knowing the answer offer limitless support?
- what helps us weather all, feel all … in greater Presence, love, and grace?
- how can we relate with being temporary, fleeting, impermanent?
- how nature teaches us to know Light, connection, alignment, and more! ( 7:38 )
- how to listen more deeply and see more clearly, looking beyond the freeze frame
- BEing INside Connection
- we’re more than just a physical vehicle of expression
- QUESTIONS to ask the Light within us ( 12:15 )
- what is the point of knowing our LIGHT more fully (it’s not about ignoring dark/shadow!)
- the joy of baby birds just fledged! Seeing their LIGHT expressed
- gratitude + illuminature … magic in your experience
- seeing yourself as a Lighthouse, radiating into the darkness
- feeling engaged, awake, aware, and alive in the Presence of our BEing
- Summer Solstice + LIGHT Blessings Abounding!
Loving Awareness + IllumiNature Circle Guide, Savi Ma (Debra Gehrke) is a clear channel for Source Infinite and the Voice of the Cosmic Soul. You’ll find her Intuitive Insights & Loving Guidance super supportive on your journey of self-care, self-healing, soul growth, and empowered authentic living.
Savi and Mark Gehrke are the co-founders of IllumiNature Circle, an online membership space purely devoted to elevating your most radiant, self-empowered naturalness. Savi is available for private and group sessions globally via Zoom. Want private session support & guidance with Savi? learn more here