Message from Salamander

Loving Awareness
Message from Salamander

Hello Everyone! This is Savi Ma, and I’ve got a special, wisdom-packed and timely message to share with you!

I sat down the morning after a most auspicious meeting with a Salamander!!! to meditate on his picture and receive his wisdom message (we met this Salamander while hiking at Skunk and Foster State Nature Area, in the SNOW! In January!).
As I tuned in and wrote as fast as I could, Salamander delivered the message you’ll hear me reading in this podcast. I love it when nature’s creatures stop me in my tracks and want to talk with me! I was amazed at every sentence that unfolded. I think you will be, too.
Some of the highlights:
* Things are not always as they seem
* Going beyond habituation …
* Mysteries revealed
* Vanished civilizations … what can we learn from them
* How true transformation comes …
* Bonus: Salamander ends the message with a participation exercise that assists with integration and transformation!

Salamanders are transformation, embodied. They have deep and profound wisdom to share with us.
I just knew I had to sit down, tune in, and listen. And now, you’re invited to do the same!
enJOY the message … and if it resonates, please SHARE it with others!