Prescription: Empower Self Love ~ Self-Guided Mini Course by Savi

I just want every human to know LOVE as their essence.

It gets clearer by the day that helping humanity realize Source LOVE within them is a huge part of my calling and purpose in this lifetime. I’ve created ‘Empower Self Love, a self-guided mini-course’ to help serve this process.

I’m not talking about an efforted, manufactured, or externalized kind of love in this case, but rather LOVE as essence, LOVE as pure connection, LOVE as Truth, and Presence, Love as our Source Nature, LOVE as our guiding force … the kind of LOVE that can’t be given, or taken, it just IS and is known from the inside, out, as our inherent knowing. 

Every human (every living being) deserves this. 

And every living BEing HAS this!

I strongly believe that THIS is the missing piece in the puzzle of humanity right now, the one that resurrects the human spirit. This missing piece is one that is not being focused on in our health care and MENTAL HEALTH care systems. Everything else is a band-aid that barely stays in place without foundational self-realization, self-love, self-worth practices in place first. 

Looking back over the course of history for clues, the only basis I can come up with for why LOVE as our pure, guiding force from within hasn’t been (and still isn’t) a critical, foundational piece of every upbringing (and every mental healthcare offering) is because it is one of many things that patriarchal dominance and most organized religions (imbalanced masculine energy) have stolen, oppressed, suppressed, and repressed from our human naturalness toward their own selfish gain and misplaced power. 

This set the tone for the human experience of feeling undervalued, unloved, unnurtured, stressed, etc. — and the heart of the vibrant human spirit began to lose its luster as the matriarchal force (feminine balance energy) was undervalued, dismissed, denied, and diminished, creating a humanity who has lost their way and forgotten their true power.

Those are some bold statements. I know. 

Think about it, if we all grew up in touch with our inherent LOVE essence, we’d grow up being connected and empowered from within. That’s the greatest power there is, and it can’t be swayed by domineering fear, guilt, and greedy power tactics that prey on the weak, fearful, fragile, or underprivileged … that prey on the whole of humanity.

We NEED to remember the LOVE that is our ever-Presence, our origin-operating guiding force within! It was never lost, or stolen, or taken from us! It’s been there the whole time! 

It’s time to allow it … and as we do, our True Power comes back online from within.

There needs to be more LOVE in this world. And it has to start from the inside, out. If we can’t as a humanity rise up in our own self-healing, self-care, and self-love, I don’t know how we will rise up to love and care for others the way they deserve to be loved and cared for.

I often hear and feel others dismiss this concept and premise as over-simplifying much greater problems.

I disagree.

We have to get to the headwaters to know where this river leads and how to mend and tend it.

Foundationally, LOVE is where we have to begin. And it’s not as easy as saying, “Be more loving, be kinder, be compassionate.” If we don’t have a foundation of those energies healthily alive within us, at our core (and most of us don’t because of trauma wounds and lack of focused support in this area), then we don’t have what we need to be able to authentically operate in being more loving, kind, and compassionate.

We need reprogramming — across the board, and starting here.

And we need it now.

We need a collective renaissance, a global revolution of Self-Realization via the Essence of Love, Source.

And this must begin within each and every one of us, intentionally, practically, and wholly.

No more externalizing.

The fix we need is internal, first and foremost. The rest will naturally and organically follow with our inspired, empowered, aligned center in action.

This is the work I am called to serve through.

… This is what my Loving Awareness Guidance Session work I offer is all about.

… This is why we’ve recently launched IllumiNature Circle (a subscription-based membership giving humanity access to self-guided self-healing and soul growth reSources that support this very journey).

And! … This is why I’ve created our “Empower Self Love ~ IllumiNature Self-Guided Empowerment Course”. This mini-course is intended to be used over and over again as a supportive life practice. It is designed to be a foundational process through which we experience the integrated and embodied realization of LOVE as our Origin-Operating, generating guiding force from within.

Empower Self Love – Self-Guided Empowerment Course

Introductory Video to Empower Self Love Course

Click to watch the empower self-love invitation video