Paperwhite Flower Essence 1/2 oz


Key Vibration Energetics:

White Light the Essence of Everything
Wayshower.Sense Awakener.Illuminator
Pure Love.Pure Promise.Come Alive.Rise.Shine

15 ml / 1/2 oz.

In stock

Loving Awareness
Nature Wisdom Alchemy


Receive 4 drops in water or under tongue, set loving intention 4x per day + as needed.

You may combine this essence with others and take them at the same time, either under your tongue or in a glass of water.  To make combining easier a glass is often preferred.  Use a minimum of 2 to 4 oz of water, disperse 4 drops of each essence into the water as you hold your intention, swirl the glass in one direction, let it settle, swirl in the opposite direction, let it settle and drink.

Trust your intuition and combine anywhere between 2 to 6 essences at one time.

Standard recommended usage is 4x per day plus as needed. (You can not over do.) Listen to your body, feelings, intuition, and take the flower essence as often as needed all the while observing with loving awareness any shifts in your experience.

Due to the nature of our products, we can not accept returns.  All sales are final.

Paperwhite Flower Essence Message

Narcissus Ziva we are.  Essence of darkness to light.  We are white light the essence of everything we are.  Brightest greetings dear ones. Boldly we come to you.  Calling you forth from the sleepy depths of your yet un-illuminated corners, cracks and crevices… into the light.


We bring you alive with reminders – gently, lovingly and also clearly, cleverly… coaxing you into your own remembering of the Grace of Truth that lives within the heart of who and what you really are.  We bring awake within you the light that circumvents all darkness. We awaken your senses. We make you come alive – filling your experience with enchanted wonder, childlike curiosity and open heartedness.  With us you taste the sweetness of intoxicatingly exquisite ecstasy. We are nectar for your soul.


We are light. When you feel as though only darkness surrounds you… when you feel that hope is lost and there is no where else to turn, when you plunge into despair and loneliness… we will guide you home, into the infinite light of your all pervading eternal lamp within.  When you can not see the way forward – like a beacon in the night – like a bright shining star – we will illuminate your path and bring all clear lit. to guide your way on.


Stand with us.  Stand tall – bravely, boldly now – shine your light. Trust your light.  Allow your light – and as you do feel your light brothers and sisters rising beside you for you are never alone.  All lit by the White Golden Flame of eternal love. Pure love, unconditional love. Purity. Love. Purity. Love. We are this and this in you, we reflect.


We are Paperwhites – Clean, clear, pure, true, brave, bold, real.  Here for you now. Paperwhites we are. Canvas for your love light to shine forth from. Allow the canvas of your True Nature to beam forth and paint itself across the sky of your Infinite Becoming.  All hope – All promise – all glory – all grace rising from within – you feel it now. Coming back on line from within. – You Your light – it was there all along. Breathe now – grow yourself taller – standing – rising – growing shining in the very light of your essence as the light of your being. White light pure, Free, soar, radiate, be.

Additional Message Notes

Message received 11//26 our Paper whites called me to create this essence from within – as this is where they do their work.  Their energy is potent and alive in the winter months – even from the dark ____ their light is true and know the way forth.

I was unsure about creating an essence in the colder, darker months… but felt called to bring these Paper Whites home from the store to bring their beauty and vitality to our inner sanctuary.  Now that the season has given way to winter outside. In the store already I felt these beauties talking to me – but I didn’t know in my mind if creating an essence felt right, given that they would be indoors, not out in the elements, etc.  Everyday they grew and brought this glorious white blossom forth. Every day I loved them, talked to them, watered them, turned them to bath all side from Mama Nature. Every day they smiled back at me with bold, free, true love and the most heavenly scent from within their blossoms filled my head, my being, my senses with gloriously intoxicating bliss… they smell like heaven.  Today they very clearly instructed – the time is now – our energy is at its potent peak – create an essence with us now. They instructed every aspect of their creation… which blossoms, which bowl, where to place it, on what and with when they wanted to be surrounded by. They asked to face the west so that the afternoon sun would grace them and so that the reflection of the __________ energy would be carried with them.  They asked for Buddha and Quan Yin to be at their sides, along with selenite, rainbow fluorite, quartz crystal and pink tourmaline with Truth ________ at their head. Placed on the window ledge on the northwest side of the inner sanctuary – still filled with prayerful morning practice vibrating their living brothers and sisters standing watch over them.

I’m hearing now… this is loving awareness winter essence from the depths of darkness, all light is revealed.  White light, the Essence of Everything we are.