Prairie Cone Flower Flower Essence 1/2 oz.


Key Vibrational Energetics:

Shine-Bright.Inner-Truth Awareness
Evolution.Creative-Growth. Transformation.

15 ml / 1/2 oz.


In stock

Loving Awareness
Nature Wisdom Alchemy


Receive 4 drops in water or under tongue, set loving intention 4x per day + as needed.

You may combine this essence with others and take them at the same time, either under your tongue or in a glass of water.  To make combining easier a glass is often preferred.  Use a minimum of 2 to 4 oz of water, disperse 4 drops of each essence into the water as you hold your intention, swirl the glass in one direction, let it settle, swirl in the opposite direction, let it settle and drink.

Trust your intuition and combine anywhere between 2 to 6 essences at one time.

Standard recommended usage is 4x per day plus as needed. (You can not over do.) Listen to your body, feelings, intuition, and take the flower essence as often as needed all the while observing with loving awareness any shifts in your experience.

Due to the nature of our products, we can not accept returns.  All sales are final.

Prairie Cone Flower Essence Message

We are Prairie Cone Flower.  We remind you to be free and flexible.  To dance in The Winds of change.

Allow yourself to let loose, let go of rigidity and find freedom within by letting go of the need to be uptight and regimented.

Allow for flexibility.  Allow space for change – Because in change – there is creative growth and discovery.  We remind you to allow space for adaptability. Consider that there is more than one space that is suitable for your expression and know that we support you in your willingness to agree to openness and that in your willing openness, new potentials rise up upon the horizon – we bring potentials to light.  We present opportunities for growth, change, evolution and transformation. The power of your light is amplified to you. To your own conscious awareness by receiving our essence into your reality if you are feeling stuck, in any way – or feeling a resistance to change an immovable stuck-ness is any way, on any level, we can help to encourage the letting go and in turn, the opening of safe space to transition and shift.  We are movers, shakers, change makers… and we do so gently – with beauty and grace. We recognize that sudden abruptness can be awkward and uncomfortable. And we soothe those energies within you as well. If you experience feelings of abruptness or awkwardness in communication we help to soothe and soften those tendencies… bringing about a more natural grace and ease to your flow. We encourage a bright and sunny disposition and we support you in relating well with others as as relating well with your inner self.

We help to put the naysayer within to sleep once and for all… helping you to awaken to your Inner Truth Sayer.  We encourage Union, Harmony and Community sharing.

We give you a loving nudge to share your light and encourage this freedom and liberation in sharing with others.  We are Prairie Coneflower essence… Here for you, in service to your fulfilled Greatness as Infinite Light Beaming promise, now and forever more.

From the center of your Being – Radiate your Heart Light – Dance Your Love – Be Free, Trust and Live your Truth.