Red Clover Flower Essence 1/2 oz


Loving Awareness
Nature Wisdom Alchemy

Key Attributes:


15 ml / 1/2 oz.


Only 1 left in stock

Loving Awareness
Nature Wisdom Alchemy


Receive 4 drops in water or under tongue, set loving intention 4x per day + as needed.

You may combine this essence with others and take them at the same time, either under your tongue or in a glass of water.  To make combining easier a glass is often preferred.  Use a minimum of 2 to 4 oz of water, disperse 4 drops of each essence into the water as you hold your intention, swirl the glass in one direction, let it settle, swirl in the opposite direction, let it settle and drink.Due to the nature of our products, we can not accept returns.  All sales are final.

Trust your intuition and combine anywhere between 2 to 6 essences at one time.

Standard recommended usage is 4x per day plus as needed. (You can not over do.) Listen to your body, feelings, intuition, and take the flower essence as often as needed all the while observing with loving awareness any shifts in your experience.

Due to the nature of our products, we can not accept returns.  All sales are final.

Red Clover Flower Essence Message

Flower Essence of Red Clover – Red Clover I am. Sweet.  I remind you of the nectar of life. The nectar of love. Red Clover I remind you and deliver to you the essence of love.  Pure light love unconditional brave sure. Love. Red Clover I stimulate and expand and grow your heart on all levels. I care for you.  I care for your heart. I bring happy heart health to you and in this way enlivening and bringing health to the wholeness of your heart.  Yes in the physical sense and also on all levels. Where is your heart? How can you grow and expand into greater and greater heart centered being-ness?  How can you grow love? How can you receive love?

Red Clover helps you to feel into and find your pathway here and now.  We are the pathway of the heart. We are the pathway of love. We are the pathway of your everlasting experience.  Your infinite experience of love light everlasting. Red Clover we are. Red Clover brings to you the essence of truth within your heart.  What will you discover? What will you allow? We will guide you there. We will give you, we will imbue in you the bravery and the courage to follow your heart, to ignite your dreams. To allow your dreams to come to manifest reality.  

Red Clover is also about flow.  We encourage flow. We encourage the flow within your physical body.  We purify, we cleanse, especially in the area of the blood that flows through your being bodies.  We keep the blood pure and clean and therefore we purify the heart. And this happens not only on the physical levels but on all levels.  What is there to purify through the heart? You see in the purest essence of all there is, there is only love light everlasting infinite love light supreme.  And Red Clover essence brings you that energy that allows for you the purity of transformation. The purity of flow in grace. The purity of flow in harmony. The purity of flow connected, purely.  Strongly. Bravely. Courageously. In and with your infinite intelligence. Red Clover supports your health systems on all levels. Balancing and restoring bringing energy to your systems. Red Clover helps to support you in standing tall in the assurity the bravery the courageousness of your heart.  Red Clover is truth in essence. The highest most pure form of love light truth. And as receive Red Clover essence into your being you feel this reality made real within you. Red Clover essence is your support when there are matters of the heart that leave you feeling unsure Red Clover will help to bring things clear.  Red Clover will support you through emotional imbalance and distress. Again bringing you here and now. Calm, clear presence. Living through the heart centered nature of who and what you really are.

Red Clover for pure flow.  Red Clover for heart centered health wholeness.  Red Clover for living your highest truth, here and now.  In this physical reality you are far more than your physical reality.  You extend beyond time and space. To infinity and beyond. And Red Clover essence helps you to open your heart and to hold your heart space expanded.  To receive the beauty of all that is. Here and now and forever more in this physical realm of your reality and beyond. We are Red Clover. We are here for you.  We are here for you now and forever more and infinitely so shall it be. We are Red Clover. We are you You are we. We are one. And so it is.