Savi Ma ~ Claiming My Name & reBirth 2020

Savi Ma births forth from within ... the most authentic expression of ME, ringing true, breathing free! This is me, Savi, responding to the call of my soul. My origin name will always be Debra, she is a beautiful, strong part of who I am ... and 2020 has taught me to claim all of me, as I birth and unfold, breath by breath, moment to moment, choosing authenticity and inner authority in Love Light. This is my story, a tapestry of presence, ever evolving, here in this human Earth dance!

(written and shared the day I shared my new soul expression name Savi Ma with the world, October 24, 2020)

Have you noticed? There’s something different (well, there’s SO much different).
I want to share this one thing that’s different with me, with you …

I’ve been hearing this from within for a long while and it’s time to allow the sound to be reflected aloud.
I’m rebirthing. (aren’t we all??)
With this birth, a new name vibration is echoing in my heart, and it’s coming from the song of my soul.
SAVI MA, in full expression … and SAVI for every day use.

I Know there will be questions … Why a New Name, Savi??

The best reason I can give is that it feels destined, right, good and on purpose, and it’s who I feel myself to be from the inside out in this now that I’m living. I’ve been feeling this name for quite a while now. Some of you in our inner circle may remember me sharing the initial sparks of it coming to Light in me. There have been many internal aha moments of serendipity, grace and transformation that have been nudging me forward to publicly claim this choice all along the way! 

When I hear it, I get all tingly and warm, my heart feels awake and alive, and I feel like I’m being called to my best, highest authentic self in all the best ways. That’s a good thing for a name to do!

I will always be grateful for my birth name, Debra. After the gift of life given to me by my parents, it’s the first gift I received from them! That will always mean the world to me. And I will continue to respond to this name, and Deb (and even Debbie from some relatives who can’t help it) whenever that is what I am called. 

My invitation to anyone who feels to join me in celebrating my rebirthing onward, is to call me Savi. You can think of it as a nickname that my soul and I really love. 🙂

I’ll most certainly be referring to myself as Savi in all creative and conscious expressions. So when you see Savi or Savi Ma … know that it’s ME. 

I didn’t go looking for her, she found me. She woke me up. Savi is me. I am Savi. 

For most of my life I’ve had a sense that another name would come to be mine.

When we immersed ourselves in daily meditation and yoga, in what has become our Loving Awareness practice, the feeling that another name was coming grew stronger. At times, I grew impatient, feeling the yearning to know more of myself, more of my soul, from this vantage point of name and sound. 

There were opportunities to receive a new name from teachers along the way. That didn’t feel to be my path. There was a time when I played with infusing Debra with Ananda (bliss) and Debrananda became a fitting and fun expression of me for the time. That name became me on Instagram, in fact! Though it was fun and felt a little more ‘me’ than just Debra, I knew it was more me making a fit than a name truly rising up from my soul. 

I knew I would know the experience when it came. And when Savi started rising up, I knew what was coming. This was the feeling of ‘knowing’ I knew I’d recognize.

Another time I’ll perhaps share more about specific sparks that led to Savi coming alive within me, as me. For now this little description will help offer some hints as to how the name resonates so deeply for me … Savi means Light, Sun, and is related to our Divine Mother. Ma, of course, literally is Mother … universal, cosmic, divine, maternal, earth mama, goddess mama, ma durga, primal force of all creation, great mother, divine feminine.

As I’m leaning into my crone years, and as I bring alive more and more the essence of my soul, and as the Light Power of my purpose trains me for eldership and wisdom sharing, Savi Ma feels so aligned and potent as my name … an energy that stands for all of who and what I am and came here to Earth to be. Savi is Infinity (Infinite Light, Source Nature), embodied in human form. That is what my BEingness (all aspects, real, embraced, allowed) represents and shares with the world.

Intense Dreams & Prophecies of Change

It’s nearing a year since I started having dreams that the world as we knew (know) it was about to change dramatically in ways that would be challenging to grasp and understand. During the last 2-3 months of 2019 I would wake up each morning to tell Mark about the fantastical, apocalyptic, dystopian, new world dreams I was having. I told him that I didn’t know what it all meant, or how it was going to happen, but that everything was about to change. 

During those months I was also receiving messages (intuitively, in waking state) about how 2020 would be a year like none other, that everything would circle back to increased awareness and clarity, awakened vision, Truth over truth, and authenticity in inner authority … and that this power of 2020 would shift absolutely everything that needed (needs) shifting for complete transformation. 

Along with all of that, I had a strong sense that what would initiate the highest integration of these transformations would be our own deep realizing, embracing, honoring and authentic recognition of who and what we really are as a humanity here on Earth at this time. And that a key component of this awareness would be that we awaken to what it really means to live our lives as a conscious expression of what it is to be HUMAN (finite) and LIGHT (infinite, everlasting) merged in True Union. That we learn how to fully embrace our humanity. That we wake up to our highest human nature potential. And that to do this, we must KNOW, activate and harness the power of our LIGHT and allow our Infinite Nature to breathe into every breath (every thought, every word, every deed, every step) of our Human Nature.

2020 is our year to get real, in the most real way we ever have!

2020 is our year to get real — to get real about what’s real — and to call ourselves out when we get caught in a loop that perpetuates anything less. 2020 is the INITIATOR and the INITIATION of this process and transformation. In the Halls of Infinity there’s no such thing as time … so this can happen as quickly or take longer than long in the scope of our human time experience until we all ‘get it’.

If you’re reading this, you’re aware of plenty of examples that are reflected around all of us right now that lend to this experience.

Each of us, in our own uniqueness, are navigating these waters.

My sense was that this transformation would be a rebirthing process unlike anything we’d ever experienced. I look back on the dreams and the messages received now, with the past 10 months behind me and I shake my head in wonder. As vivid as the dreams were, as direct as the messages came in, I’ve said over and over again … never did I ever imagine the magnitude of everything that’s happened (happening)! And though there’s plenty that is less than comfortable or ideal to say the least, and it isn’t the reality I’d choose for the whole, I can see and feel the greater purpose of this grand shift.

An Inner-Journey of a Lifetime

From this time last year to now, I have been on an inner-journey of a lifetime. Profound and deeply meaningful in every way. As crazy as everything is this year, I’ve felt over and over again that this time, this year, is not only necessary … it is a gift! Does that mean it’s been easy or smooth sailing all the time? Absolutely not. But, I stay the course. I say yes to what rises up in me, and I accept, embrace and breathe through the challenges and the invitations that are growing me and calling me forward breath by breath, moment to moment to the beauty of who and what I really am in this here and now Infinite Light Birthed to Earth experience. 

Those who know me and know my heart … those who’ve been witnessing the journey of my becoming and my allowing of my Source Nature to bloom and grow openly and boldly, know the recurring theme that paints itself through every message, every song, every vision that comes through is all about Love Light. Love Light is the Infinite Spark, the Eternal Essence of who and what we really are. Everything is Sourced from this Love Light. 

I know this theme, this message and essence well. I know Infinite Nature well. And! My invitation this year of 2020 has been to look more deeply at what it means to be HUMAN … and walk the walk, SEE, LIVE, BE the experience of synergistic merging of Infinite in finite form. I thought I was doing this. And I was, to the degree I was allowing. Oddly, I’m more at home in my Infinite Nature than my human nature.

I’m a natural born Light-Bringer. I see, taste, hear, feel, know Infinity easily. But does that mean that I embody what it is to be human? The invitation comes, not to glaze anything over, but to bring Infinity … Light (and Love, and Peace, and Truth), through everything (through all the feels, the shadow, the past, the dark of night, the joys, the mundane, every step, all the way) … consciously, on purpose, IN the body, for the pure joy and expansion of BEing human! It’s what I’m (we’re) here for. And in the process of this being human (all the parts, all the dynamics, all the everything) we, as a humanity, (re)awaken — together.

My invitation is to relish the relationship, to experience the merge (more so than the distinctions), and fuse the gap, creating a greater synergy of union. Just BE. Actively BE. Embody the Allness.

I get that this last bit about being human may bring a puzzled expression to some faces (cuz, duh…we’re human!). It’s OK. It makes sense to me, and it’s exciting! And more sharing is bound to come … there will always be invitations to deeper understanding — for all of us.

Where the Alchemy Is …

This has been a year of inward turning … a year of complete alchemy in every way, on every level. I feel as though I am being born again … and again! The more I say yes, the more I surrender, the more I allow … the more powerful the gifts and blessings of this time become.

I am becoming more of myself, all of my gifts and talents are coming alive in more profound ways. I am discovering I’ve only just begun! 

I had to step back and retreat to unwind and allow space for the alchemy to take hold.

This truly is the invitation available to all of us right now! Release our hold on what was. Take inventory of what’s working and what isn’t and be daring enough to release all that isn’t congruent with forward aligned transformation. 

This is our time to get real. This is our time to heal. This is our time to LOVE more … to love ourselves and others, more. This is our time to practice more peace and kindness. This is our time to listen … and our time to speak up and be heard. This is our time to shake loose from shackles and burdens of yesterday, to make amends, to say we’re sorry, to forgive ourselves and others, to embrace all of what and what we are…but not to over-identify with any of it … to make room, create space for the unfurling of our new found wings of expression, mission and purpose. This is our time to rise up and claim our Light Power, to infuse it consciously into all that we think, say, BE, and do.

It’s a year long WAKE UP call and hitting snooze will just prolong the inevitable.

It’s time. Now is the time.

For all the reasons, most importantly for this one — that you came here as an Infinite Light Birthed to Earth BEing to LIVE LOVE LIGHT alive through every breath, every expression, every emotion, every flow, every EVERYTHING — ask yourself, what is coming alive within me, how can I serve, who am I really, what will I release, and if I were to rebirth…what would shift, what would I be called forward to, what would I rewrite and transform, what would I allow, what would I BE?

… and breathe, allow, BEAM it all into BEing!

It’s time. The time is now.

I know this whole deal called life can be downright challenging right now!

And … I know it’s on purpose and a whole new world is ours to birth!

Are you ready? Who’s with me? 🙂

I love you all. Love Light HUGS for all!
~ Savi