Savi’s Intuitive Energy Notes – February 21

The MOON is reflective of our Inner Self, our emotional personality & landscape, mood-oriented, offers the nuances and subtleties of our beingness, closest reflection of our relationship to our true nature day to day.

We’re moving through 3 waning moon phases this week, with 3 different moon signs and elemental influences

The week starts with a waning gibbous moon in the water element of Scorpio, moves into the fire element of Sagittarius mid-week, and finishes in the earth element of Capricorn.

Active Energy Themes: 
Notice how these energies may play a role throughout your week.

Journal your observations. This is a great way to begin to further deepen to and relate with your own natural, intuitive rhythm and flow.
(These are just some potential possibilities, your uniqueness will always serve up it’s own blend!)

Early week : extra-intuitive, empathic, highly sensitive, (mid/cycle mind/body/spirit check point, claim/embrace power/uniqueness/authenticity)

Mid-week: passion, intensity, emotionally charged, adventurous, truth-questing, wanderlust (mind/body/spirit cleanse/purify) … inner bubbling excitement for the new, what’s to come

Late-week: steady, tangible, reliable, structured, rhythmic, practical, rest, focus, release 

In the body this week, we’re giving extra love  to our creation/sex organs, our elimination organs, our backbone, hips, thighs & sacrum (mobility, flexibility, root), our cleansing/purifying organs (esp. liver & skin).

BEing & DOing Ideas for the week:

Gratitude journaling (dedicate journal pages to all you’re grateful for), send some thank-you or care notes to loved ones (extra vibes for hand-made, hand-written snail mail kind!), extra time to meaningfully connect with loved ones, extra YOU time for self care (fire circle,’ dance like nobody’s watching, sweat it out and release night’ mid-week would be heavenly), taking time for these journaling questions … dive deep and explore what’s ready to be released … and let go!

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