Savi’s Intuitive Insights ~ Source Inspired Self Care Guidance – 3-7

The moon’s energy is reflective of our Inner Self, our emotional landscape & intuitive nature. It is mood-oriented, offers the nuances and subtleties of our beingness, and is the closest reflection of our relationship to our true nature day to day. 

The waxing moon energy follows the restful, relaxed and inward introspection time of the new moon. During the waxing (growing) phase, we can tap into a general increase of energy, lightness, clarity of intentions, stronger sense of direction/purpose, and an overall activated momentum toward creating and accomplishing.

MOON PHASE: This week begins with the moon waxing in Earth/Taurus (Mon-Tues) into Air/Gemini (Wed) at first quarter (Thurs), and then continuing with waxing gibbous in Water/Cancer (Fri, Sat, Sun).

Intuitive Guidance for the week:

The super-charged themes that continued to rise up when I tuned in for this week’s notes were around OVER-THINKING (getting caught in a spin of thinking that produces more inner stress, worry, doubt, agitation, and helplessness or powerlessness) and the powerful energy shifts that come through LOVING SERVICE, ever-expanding. 

I believe this is in part due to the collective trauma over what is so devastatingly and grossly unreasonably happening with our universal family in Ukraine.
Source’s guidance for this week helped me to refocus my heart and rise up in Loving Warrior mode. I hope this message meets and supports you, too.

Sending the Highest LOVE LIGHT prayers for protection, safety, healing, and peace to our global family in Ukraine and all surrounding areas involved in protecting and upholding safe spaces for all, and to all in the family of humanity who are actively choosing to support and live love and peace alive as the supreme, all-pervading force that they are. 

What to do when we know there is no viable space for reckoning or reasoning — but we can’t seem to stop thinking about it…

(What follows is a direct message from Source, received for all of us):

“Over-thinking in any situation, when it isn’t delivering fruitful clarity and inspired momentum feels draining at best … consider how occupying your mind with over-thinking may be over-taxing your nervous system, paralyzing your sense of direction and purpose, and more.

There’s so much that cannot be understood or made sense of in this world, in a logic and reason sense. We do well to know when this is the case and release ourselves from needing something to make sense and instead, redirect our energies, focus and attention to what we know is real, that which needs no validating, quantifying, reasoning, or justifying … that which simply is … and we will always find that pulsing deep within. 

When we cannot make sense of something for which there is no reasonable explanation, we need to release our focus and ask … What is it that I know my heart best serves from? How can I redirect my energies in the service of love? This is the landscape to tend to and from. Know where your heart of service leads from and express from there. This matters. This makes a difference. This is energy well spent.

Your loving-kindness service changes the world. It’s as simple as that. Trust. And go about your service. Go about your joyful expression and know that it is a contribution that ripples out exponentially.

Let go of linear thinking, reasoning, and direction in these matters. Energy is not linear. And energy is always flowing exactly where it needs to. 

Trust that loving energy that you are flowing out ripples beyond the looks as if, right-in-front-of-your-eyes directed context. What we mean to say is … when you are lovingly tending in the simplest of ways … to a child, an elder, a friend in need, to yourself, or to a situation or even daily mundane tasks … that harmonious, loving energy is received where it is directly pointed … AND it is rippled exponentially greater outwardly and joins the confluence of love-generating energies that are constantly expanding and perpetually in motion. 

Your loving act and intention in the immediate supports the All and is expanded.
Trust that. It is so.

Further Intuitive Guidance:

  • Let go of over-thinking and give way to more allowing.
    There is grace in allowing — relate with trust, build your trust.
    • As you tend to your alignment, and activate your conscious willingness, the actions to take become self-evident. You don’t have to go looking, but you do have to maintain a committed willingness to respond in active accordance with what you know to be real, true, necessary.
  • Loosen our grip on control — we realize so much more energy, freedom and liberation when we release control. Recognize and accept that most of what we attempt to control is not ours to control. As we release outward control-over, we release into our true empowerment.
  • Healthy inner-parenting is well timed this week. Ask yourself, what do I need to hear from my Ever-Loving Ever-Present Inner Parent? Talk to yourself and allow yourself to hear what you need to hear. Literally re-parent yourself. You, as an adult, are very aware of what you wish you’d have been told as a child. You know what you long to hear. And there’s magic and healing in allowing yourself to hear these things now from your own High Spirit, your IllumiNature! Here are a few statements to get you started, most importantly, tell yourself what you need to hear and always from a unconditional, loving, supportive energy. Your Inner-Parent would never deliver anything less! 
    • You are so amazing, your Light is a gift in this world. You are enough. You are worthy. I appreciate you. I hear you. I hear your every need and concern. I see you. You are capable of sifting, sorting, and processing all the messy stuff, and you’re not alone, I’m right here with you always and forever, and we can get through everything we face, together. We have what we need. You are held in love. I love you, infinitely, purely, always, in all ways.
  • Continued energy of expansion/contraction — continue to listen to your bodies, lean into rest when needed, and respond to bursts of inspired action and creativity when they arise. Breathe and relate. Repeat. Expand and contract. Repeat. Be healthy and nurturing about it all.
  • Ask for help when we need it — It’s safe, natural, and human to need loving help and support! 
  • ASK?? Am I clear in my intentions this week?
  • ASK?? Am I in touch with what I want and need? 
  • ASK?? What do I wish to create for myself this week? 
  • ASK?? How can I liberate myself from limitation in real and grounded ways?
  • ASK?? Where do I promise to release control that isn’t mine to exert?

Active Energy Themes: 

Notice how these energies may play a role throughout your week.

Journal your observations. This is a great way to begin to further deepen to and relate with your own natural, intuitive rhythm and flow.
(These are just some potential possibilities, your uniqueness + day to day realities will always serve up their own blend!)

Early week:  sensory/sensual, grounding, slower pace, peace/harmony, focus on what’s tangible/within reach, steady, predictable (be gentle with yourself, extra self-care, nurturing vibes, reparenting reassurance/protection)

Mid-week: processing, relating, communicating, expanding, understanding, social/time for fun interactions, need for some relatable deep conversations, good time to have heart to hearts with your besties (first quarter says go with the flow, celebrate the feel good, bask in what’s working, keep awareness tuned — also: engage in some healthy self-honoring, self-validation)

Late-week: deep feeling, highly sensitive, aware, need healthy emotional flow/outlets, healing vibes, emotional check in, sacred space, retreat, art/expression, check in with alignment, adjust where needed, relax and relate (re-parenting for safety, validation, trust, connection … do what makes you feel connected in BIG Universal Love, SOURCE LOVE)

In the body this week:

We’re giving extra love to our neck, vocal chords, and thyroid gland (IllumiNature Expressed! 5th chakra/creative authentic expression/higher self, finding + using our voice), shoulders, arms, hands, bronchial tubes, lungs (4th/5th chakra bridge/embracing, reaching, holding, breathing, expressing, contracting/expanding), stomach, breasts, womb, ovaries (2nd/3rd chakras bridging, digestion, sustenance, energy/fuel, nurturing, creation, gestation, incubation) 

BEing & DOing Ideas that help to integrate + support this week:

  • anything and everything that heightens your senses and makes you come alive in yummy, delicious ways … indulge, nurture, taste, touch, listen, smell, look … tune in, tune higher … dream, get curious, imagine … experience!!
  • let the spring cleaning begin! Get into those closets and see what wants to be released!
  • grounding, in nature, feet to the earth … hug some trees … dance wildly!! … 
  • some self-massage or couples massage time focusing especially from your abdomen to your heart, and your chest, shoulders, and neck … including your arms and hands! LOVE yourself UP!
  • Sit down for a healthy dose of Inner-Parenting time. Lovingly nurture your inner-child.
  • repeat your IllumiNature Empowerment Statements every single day (…attune, affirm, activate! … so loud the neighbors and wildlife can hear you, claim your inner radiant power!), 
  • meditation! (your choice — bring intention to a walk in nature, chant a mantra aloud & let it keep repeating mentally over and over across your mind, sit in mindful stillness, breathe long and deep and focus your gaze to your third eye, listen to a guided meditation … like the one offered this week at IllumiNature Circle, breathe and HUM a deep, low tone on the exhale, journal 
  • start a dream journal (record your sleeping dreams, daydreams, visions, hopes, and ideas kind of dreams … let your inner creative pulse into the journaling conversation)
  • sit down with this week’s Reflection & Introspection questions (explore, relate, discover with your soul)
  • make space for some mid-week social connection if it feels aligned.

What’s Your Experience? Check-In and Reflection…

I’m curious … How is life flowing for you? 

How did this week’s tools support you best?

What did you find most helpful?

Please share some reflections in the comments below!

NEW Each Week! Remember to tap into these great support resources …

  • illuminature journal pages (questions for reflection + introspection), 
  • illuminature empowerment statements (attune, affirm, activate!) 
  • illuminature energy reset videos ( x 2 !! )
    • intuitive insight loving guidance (discussing the energies of the week)
    • guided flow for daily practice (integrating and working with the energies)