Source Helps Us Re-Frame + Receive Self-Love

As I tuned in to receive for this week a profound reframe impression about Self Love made its way into my awareness. 

Prior to the impression landing, I had been thinking about Self Love and how tricky it can be, how challenging it can be sometimes to feel worthy and deserving of Self Love.

Self Love is so foundational, and yet can feel so far-reaching and inaccessible to us at times.

I’ve been feeling the immensity of this theme — the challenges it offers, as well as the gifts it brings — to rewriting our narratives and healing wounds of the past, and to literally pre-paving and re-patterning the transformation available within our Great Awakening as a humanity (firstly, beginning within each one of us).

I recollected that in all of my years of experience working with people doing private session work, Self Love is the one thing that almost 100% of the time brings up resistance and unease in people during sessions. It’s the one topic or theme that tends to make people squirm and feel uncomfortably vulnerable more than any other. 

Counter-intuitively (but humanly understandably) it brings up our deep wounds and challenges around worthiness and deservedness. And that creates a spiral of feeling like there’s more wrong than right in our ability to steep in Self Love — and these questions rise to the surface … 

Why can it be so hard for us to love ourselves wholly? Why can it be so uncomfortable to tell ourselves we love ourselves? Why can giving ourselves love almost feel wrong, selfish, needy, greedy, egoic, and misplaced sometimes? Why can it feel easier to love others (boatloads of others) than it feels to love ourselves? Why do we sometimes feel unworthy and undeserving of self love? … 

And why are these the questions that are raised when deep down it feels like (or we maybe even ‘know’ that) Self Love is the key, the golden ticket to our healing, and the pathway to our ever-unfolding be-coming, to our ever-illuminating greatness, (and to all of the necessary and beautiful changes we wish to see in the world)?

As I pondered all of this, a crystal clear impression landed so powerfully I literally froze in my tracks to take it in and make sure I was perceiving fully and accurately. What I was seeing/sensing/feeling changed everything for me when considering how we tend to navigate when we’re traversing the energy waters of Self Love. 

What I saw and felt changed everything in an instant. The interesting thing is that of course I KNEW this. It wasn’t NEW. It was there all along. And … you know how sometimes if you just reposition the pieces a little, or shift the angle of your vantage point ever so slightly, something magical happens and you see things in a whole new Light? That’s what happened!

My excited prayer is that this shift in vantage point opens a receptivity in you where you feel it too! We’ve had the Self Love equation inside, out! 

Flip it! Feel it … Allow it … Receive it! — and let me know if it changes anything for you!

After receiving the impression, I knew there was a message about to download to accompany this new Self Love information. I felt guided to grab my journal and pen, take my glasses off (This is a normal instruction. Not being able to clearly see what I’m writing is one of my ways to allow the direct flow from Source without my mental mind taking it in or interfering as the download is coming through. This can sometimes mean my handwriting is a bit illegible, but the energy within the message is so clear that I can always make it out during a read-through after receiving. Just a little glimpse into one of the ways I receive and channel.)

Meet Me in the Comments, Please!

I’m so curious to know how this lands for you! 

I’ve added some reflection questions below the Direct Message from Source

Meet me in the comments after taking it all in … let’s discuss!

Direct Message from Source ~

(what follows is the direct stream as it was received)

“You are so accustomed to love being an externally focused force — an externally operative energy — that you tend to misplace the origin of true self love.

With Self Love, you are seeing and feeling one aspect of yourself showering love on another aspect of yourself — and we ask you …
How does this work? Who is the shower-er, and who is the receiver, when you are focusing your attention toward Self-Love?  

You say — Self Love means, “I Love Myself. I give myself love”. 
And we say — can you feel how that implies you are giving love to yourself from the outside, in? 

We believe this is what can make Self-Love so tricky for some of you, because in this case generally the giver part of yourself tends to be oriented by way of your mental mind, and by way of your small-self, personhood identity — in which case, this version of self is often not as free in Love and can be withholding, or judging of worthiness or deservedness, or something of the like — leaving the receiver part of yourself empty. 

We are inviting you to lean into the concept and energy of Self Love in another way.

What if Self-Love is an origin-operating, origin-generating force that simply is, and simply is within you, always? 

What if the receiver is actually the giver in your equation? What if the energy of perception is flipped so that the origin-force which is Love is already vibrating and pulsing a strong, infinite, undeniable signal within you each and every moment, through each and every breath, and every single situation and experience, and all you need to do is be aware of it, and allow yourself to receive that self-generating, self-operating, all perpetual love-stream that flows infinitely within you at all times.  

We will tell you that this pivot in your perception-vantage-point will make all the difference!

From this vantage point, it is not about — Am I worthy of loving myself? Am I worthy of Self Love? — From this vantage point of Love, Self Love is the origin — the obvious, dominant flow.  There is no question of worthiness, or how to surmount an issue, or overcome something to get to a space of worthiness.

Worthiness is a given. Self-Love is your operating force.

So the question becomes — Will you allow yourself the pivot, and receive the Infinite Flow of Love that is there to embrace you in? … ALL of you? … no effort required, no aspects of yourself excluded or turned away — full seeing, full hearing, full acknowledgement, full LOVE.

This is your True Reality. This is your truth.

And now that you can begin to feel the strength of that pure Self-Love Generating Force pulsing from within — Are you prepared to allow yourself to feel and BE supported by this all-pervading, fully sustainable, effortless, genuine, supremely-loving guiding force from within?

How the tables turn when the support field comes from within!  

Do you feel it, Child?  Lean IN!

Dear One, the support you seek and need most is vibrating clearly from within you!

Lean in! Trust! Allow! Relate!

There is not one of you who is immune to, or excluded from this experience.

Self-Love is your generating force, your supreme operating system. 

It is not something you need to give yourself — it is yours. It is something for you to open to — to receive from yourself — from your Source Essence, from the Source that you are birthed of, that dwells within you.

How could it possibly be any other way?

To have this equation flipped as you may have perceived would imply we’ve sent you here for this Earth Experiment Experience ill-equipped.

This could never happen!  

Your lives here are completely supported, set up for fulfillment from inception.

You are Love. You come from Love.

Love is your essence — your compass, your guide, your generating force.

Return to Love — the Force within. 


Trust. Allow. Receive.
Self Love as our generating force is our greatest ally, our greatest teacher … our
All-Loving support system.

Self Love as our operating system will never let us down, will never be depleted, will always be online in service to our Highest Good.

Self Love within us is our Light of Pure Presence.

We don’t have to develop it …

We don’t have to upload it …

We don’t have to figure it out …

It doesn’t need refueling or replenishing.

In fact, its constancy is eternal, infinite, and ever present.

Self Love as this Inner Generative Force is our Beloved Source — the Wellspring of Life that lies within us — and lives on Infinitely, beyond this BEing Body Time-Space Reality.

Allow yourselves to focus here — 

Focus your Heart and your mind on witnessing the feeling of this pulsing Self Love of Pure Presence within you.

Allow it!

Imagine it, if at first to imagine it feels like your only gateway in.

Allow yourself to imagine this powerful, self-generating, self-radiating, self-illuminating force pulsing in full strength within you.

Allow the Truth within it to be revealed. Allow yourself to experience the mightiness of this feeling, this Truth. Let the recognition vibrate through every cell of your BEing Body.


Come Home to your Essence

Come Home to Pure Presence.

This Dear Ones — THIS is SELF-LOVE.

Receive. Receive. Receive.

The giving is done — the giving is perpetually in flow … generating from within.

Trust. Allow. Receive!

… and now — Witness!

How does this reframe boost your morale, your will to thrive, to love, to create?

How does this reframe of Self Love support and inform your Inner Authority … your authenticity, your full BEing-ness? 

Feel the generating origin force of Love within you, embracing you in. It was within you all along. It is always right there. Allow it. Be embraced by it. Let this Love hold you. 

Self Love lives within you. Open and receive.

All LOVE — Infinitely Evermore …

~ Source Within You, As You”

Inquiry & Reflection Questions :

Meet me in the comments to discuss …

  • Has Self-Love been a challenging thing for you?
  • Did this shift and reframe your accessibility to Self Love? … if so, how?
  • What did this message make you feel, think, and/or experience?
  • Did this message raise new questions or curiosities in you? … if so, about what?
  • How does reframing Self-Love as the self-generating origin force that it is, within each and everyone of us shift your willingness to be open to it? … to receive it? … to live through it?
  • How does this reframe shift the way you view, perceive, receive, need love?

Received by Savi just before recording the 4.11.2022 IllumiNature Energy Reset video.
Click here to VIEW the VIDEO with additional energy themes and messages