Tending to Self Care with Savi

Have you been feeling the weight of the world?

When’s the last time you honored full-on self-care as your top priority?

Do you ever feel like you’re losing sight of yourself in the blur of life?
Has feeling stressed, or anxious, or emotionally spent become the norm?

Do you long for a deeper sense of understanding about yourself and your true nature?

Are there times when you wish for greater clarity, grace and ease during times of change?

Do you feel like your inner compass needs some reorientation and fine-tuning?

If you answered yes to any one of these questions, I’m inviting you to join me for some quality session time. Let’s get to the heart of self-care! (session specifics below, read on)

Helping others to feel seen and heard by themselves, for themselves, and guiding them to explore, integrate, and embody their truest essence — especially during these times — is healing and powerful soul work I feel honored to share. 

Working with all those who’ve felt drawn to session work with me, especially over the last nearly two years, has been the greatest honor and confirmation of expansion of consciousness I have ever experienced in all my years in service. 

 One by one, we are awakening to our soul sovereignty again, learning how to live our joy and conscious Presence into BEing.

It’s easy to feel bogged down and overwhelmed these days. Trauma triggers are plentiful. We can feel emotional overload or numbed entirely, sometimes vacillating between the two. Feeling challenged, stressed, overburdened, maybe caught and reeling in a hamster wheel of misaligned habit and pattern that seems unshakable, maybe even disheartened, super vulnerable or fragile, and more seem to be wiggling their way into our emotional normal. 

That can be the natural effect of living through prolonged periods of chaos and trauma-inducing periods (pandemic effect/surge capacity). It’s real. No matter how we’re navigating, it’s affecting all of us.

And if we’re able to listen within, we may hear a quiet whisper (or a raging scream) calling us forward … This is our time — the time to listen deeply, to honor more fully, to be Presence, to see and hear ourselves, our time to truly embrace and love ourselves fully, wholly, holy.

This is the time of our BEcoming, the time to get clear, the time to shed what isn’t working, the time to release the burdens of the past, the time to acknowledge and heal old wounds with conscious love and grace, the time to embrace our Truth and allow elevated transformation and rebirth — consciously, in the Light of our Essence, our True Nature.

It’s plain to see that we are all truly living in times of great awakening and transformation. In my humble observation, there’s never been another time in this earthly human experience when tending to the gardens of our Soul Light — our growth and evolution, individually and collectively — has ever been more critical and needed. 

It is time to embrace the space in between. So often, we wish to jump over or past the space of liminality, that space between where there is unknown and discomfort. My strong sense tells me that this space is meant to be embraced in a way we never have before. The space between is expanding so that we can lean into all of the discomfort and sift through to the distilled clarity that lies within.

We ALL need and benefit from support, a helping hand and heart, some loving guidance along the way. I’m here for you!

The intuitive guidance work I offer, Source Sessions with Savi, continues to evolve and deepen in the most beautiful ways. I am blessed by the infinite supply of Source Energy that intuitively pours through me as I willingly allow, and I am blessed by my guests who come to their sessions with open receptivity, and a willingness toward conscious soul growth and evolution.

Sharing these gifts and assisting soul family along their journey of self-realization is an amazing blessing! Seeing souls evolve and expand as they put into action the fruits of their discoveries, living life in greater inner-authority, joy, and authentic expression is added nectar!

The sessions I offer are filled with laser-focused intuitive guidance, high vibe conversations, and intuitive energy work (yes, even through Zoom, energy work is possible! Source Energy is not time and space bound.)

Sessions are entirely intuitively guided, each one unique to the person and their needs, including any mixture of these elements: Source directed guidance and messages, high vibe conversation including deep self-inquiry questions, conscious guided breathwork to assist in moving energy, guided visualization/meditation, sound therapy, attunement/affirmation statements, tapping for release, astroEnergy awareness, activation, integration, distance energy work or gentle healing touch, and more, all in the online Zoom Sanctuary while you are in your comfortable distraction-free sacred space, or while you’re fully clothed and cozy on my treatment table in our Inner Sanctuary session room (local guests may inquire for availability and covid safety guidelines). 

The majority of my sessions are facilitated on Zoom as I work with people from all around the planet.
Zoom (at a distance/internet) sessions are every bit as magical, deeply connected and transformative! After all, Source works beyond time and space! Having lived around the globe, I’ve been offering session work at a distance for years. It works!

Most of my guests choose regular consistency in their visits and choose sessions once weekly or every other week, stretching out to once monthly as needed and when ready.

Consistency is recommended for optimal shifts and integration, but one-time sessions are magically balancing, restorative and elevating as well.

It is always an option to enjoy a special session just once, here and there.

If reading this gives you resonant tingles or an inner-nudge, that’s the confirmation you need to reach out and claim your readiness! Let’s enter into the journey together, and allow Source to guide the way!

Please let me know how I can be of service and if you have further questions… 

Take good care during these precious times of transformation!

Email me (Savi) to schedule: info@lovingawareness.org

Click here for more session information.

In Loving Awareness,


Stream Music from Brilliant Bliss

Did you know that our kirtan music group, Brilliant Bliss spent months of 2020’s quarantine time co-creating our first ever professionally produced EP? We recorded live in studio in February 2020, and worked remotely on all of the additional polishing, and released four tracks that are available on all the streaming platforms, including Apple Music and Spotify. Please listen, share, add to your playlists! You can also support us by downloading our music at: brilliantbliss.bandcamp.com

Check out Brilliant Bliss music here

Herbal Blessings Smudging Rituals

Enjoy the ancient art of smudging with our Loving Awareness plant wisdom blends grown and harvested at our sanctuary. Our smudging blend cleans and purifies the air and energy of your space. Bring our Sanctuary Grown Herbal Blessings into your home today.

Integration and Transformation Smudging Ritual Blend – $15 available here

Sale on Soothing Balms ~ Great Gifts & Stocking Stuffers!

Enjoy these great prices on our balms. Only $12 for a 2.5 oz jar (reg. $18) or $5 for a 1/2 tin (reg. $9.00) – limited quantities available while supplies last.

All Be Well – All-Purpose support for healthy, vibrant skin

Freedom and Flexibility – Great for stressed muscles and joints

Lip Love – Happy soothed, moisturized and protected lips

Moon Goddess – Brings relief throughout the moon cycle

Paw Love – Protect and soothe paws and great for people too! – only $7.00 for a 1 oz. tin

Self Love Body Butter – For all-over moisture of your skin – $8.00 for a 2.5 oz jar (reg. $13)

Visit the Balm Sale – limited supplies available now

Sharing Love and Gratitude

We are sending warm gratitude and bright blessings from our hearts to yours. Thank you for reading our update. If you know anyone who would feel supported by our offerings, we would appreciate your sharing this newsletter with them. 

In Loving Awareness,

Mark and Savi