What is Light Language?

During my channeling transmissions over the last few months, I’ve felt sound vibrations coming through that are not immediately recognized as language we intellectually understand.

This was at once a powerfully beautiful and curiously strange experience for me.

How could something that felt so real, so distinct, so Light and Love filled, so known to me in my heart and soul consciousness…feel so foreign and unrecognizable (though utterly at home in me, at the same time) to the every day human part of me.

Light Language Nature

Light Language, as it’s called by many who experience and share it…and Cosmic Soul Sound Vibration as it’s also been described to me by the Energy of Infinity that speaks through me is powerfully potent and deeply soothing, uplifting…healing and balancing to receive into your BEing Body presence.

You must experience it…listen to it…receive it, to know for yourself.

I am honored to be a vessel, a conduit for this energy to flow through.

What is Light Language?
The Voice of the Cosmic Soul Responds…

What follows is the written channeled download I received one recent day after bringing Light Language through…

In the experience of Cosmic Soul Sound Vibration Light Language, you will feel and know on all levels the energetic nature of sound word vibration.

It is the Sacred Sound Current that flows…through sound and silence.

It is not about the exactness of the word sounds, this is not to be attached to…
It is the current of vibrational flow that is the message riding the waves of sound words.

Be … Stay …
unattached to the word as form –
unattached to an alphabet of form –
instead, deepen to the vibrational flow…the energy there.

The Light Language that Debra is receiving, in fact, all Light Language channeled now, has everything to do with the vibration and tone and breath of the word/sounds… And is not so much about the sound of the words themselves.

The power is in the energy. This is true of all language – your own English included.

If your people realized this, your language would be spoken so much differently – with greater care and purpose.

You have the saying, ‘It’s not what you say, but how you say it.’
This holds more power and truth than you give it credit for.

When you recognize the power of sound words – and the power of your breath, and the immense power of your intention and energy expressed when you bring these powers into union, you will choose your sound word expressions much more carefully, consciously and with great heart and intuitive wisdom.

You will cease to focus your energy expression on anything less than the heightened expression of your true nature.

You will turn your attention towards the Light of Love and speak only from the place of BEing.

You will quiet yourself or walk away from the discordant expression within you and surrounding you.

Your own recognized language will become Light Language when that is the energy nature you bring to it.

Words – word sounds – are meaningless utterances, without the power of your energetic intention fueling them. 

Charge them with care.
Charge them with Loving Awareness.

This concept of Loving Awareness is pure and will take you far.
You do well to deepen to the practice of this vibration space.

When you speak Truth, to the absolute best of your conscious ability and you are centered in the Divine Nature of Your Soul – Attuned to the Light of Love of all Creation, your word sounds taste like honey, the sweetest nectar across the tongue and your sound words – like the power of the most magnificent waterfall – cleanse, purify, nourish and caress that which they rain over.

Your word sounds are received in their most direct vibrational accuracy, and the power of their Light illumines all shadow, all darkness, and encourages all to step forth into the Light of Love of their own BEing Nature.

Mmm… Isn’t it beautiful? Can you taste the sweetness?
Can you feel the power of the Light of Love?

This is Light Language – that which inspires and uplifts, that which magnetizes you toward the ever illumined, effervescent, glowing Light of Love within you – the Source of Your BEing…
Stand in this Light.
Shine forth from this Light.
BE this Light.

When you recognize the Light, any other choice falls away, dimmed and forgotten.

The path before you is clearly illuminated.
Stand tall.
Step forth.
Walk on.

Dance in the Light of Your Being

Sing forth a New Song in the Light of Love.

Breathe into the expansion of your shining greatness!

You are the LIGHT…
the Light of Love…

Born of the Light –
Eternally of the Light.

Star BEing – BEAM.

You are a Child of the Universe
We are the Voice of the Cosmic Soul


Messages from the Love Field Archive

When you need an Infinity Boost…and some upliftment from The Love Field, we invite you to visit our archive and immerse again and again in the Messages that reside there for you.
Here’s the link: Messages from the Love Field Archive

Sharing Messages from the Love Field:

May all who read these Messages from the Love Field feel the vibrational frequency of Infinite Love that I feel pouring through me as I receive them.  May you all be blessed by Divine Grace and come into deeper and deeper harmony with the Light of Love within you as you read each transmission.
I feel so blessed by this experience and I’m deeply honored to be called to share these messages with all of you.  It is by standing authentically in the Light of Love of our BEings that we are meant to SHINE forth in this world, sharing our hearts and souls in Love Light Truth, and encouraging others to do the same.
If this message moves you, inspires you…lifts you up and resonates with you in some way,
in gratitude, 
I invite you to please share it, in its entirety, along with these paragraphs from me.
Bowing deep…honoring the Light of Love within you, with gratitude…
All LOVE…all the way!
Go Now… And Dance in the Light of Love!
Loving Awareness Life Guide

Life Guidance Sessions with Debra ~

If you feel your heart longing for more support, guidance and upliftment as you navigate your life’s journey, I am available for private sessions. (in person, locally or via the web, globally)
Now, more than ever, we need to feel supported as we grow and expand…consciously awakening in our Loving Awareness.  I’d be so honored to help guide your way on!
For more information, read about my sessions here


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