Conscious Relating, Resistance Energy, and Letting Your Dreams In

Hello Bright One … I have some questions for you.

Do you ever find yourself saying, “I can relate”? (I do!)

Have you ever noticed that you’ve been in resistance to something? (I have!)

Have you thought about how much we relate as humans? Pretty much everything is relational. In every moment we’re relating, in so many ways simultaneously. The question isn’t whether we relate. The question is how conscious are we in our relating … within ourselves, with others, with the world around us, etc.?

I started relating with resistance more intentionally since my conversation with Source during this week’s IllumiNature Energy Reset episode. 

(The video link is here so you can watch. I’d love to hear how you relate!)

Keep Reading to learn the insights I discovered while relating with my own resistance … and then respond to this email to let me know how you relate! (Can you tell this week is ALL about relating?) 🙂

Resistance Energy can sneak up on us …

While recording the video and allowing the Source Stream to flow in, I really recognized how resistance within me is kinda sneaky and clever. I’m noticing that sometimes when I’m saying ‘no thank you’ to a creative idea, project, invitation, etc. — it isn’t necessarily out of straight up alignment as a no. It’s in more of a gray-fuzzy area of maybe-kinda, but I’m feeling _____________ (and I fill in the blank with things like: afraid of the outcome, too tired to deal, fearful of not being approved of, avoiding failure, etc.). Or, I may even just straight up self-sabotage and count the reasons something’s not worth it or it won’t work out, or I just don’t feel like it … but even here, resistance is the energy at work. Interestingly though, I don’t necessarily FEEL like I’m in resistance. I don’t FEEL like I’m experiencing a big opposing force. That’s the clever bit. I’ve trained it well. Unless I consciously choose to look a little deeper, I don’t see that resistance is sitting with me.

Can you relate?

As I relate within, I’m noticing that resistance is a friend I call on. I’ve allowed it to be a bit of a protective shield. And I’ve allowed myself to believe that by resisting (subtly, very subtly … it doesn’t necessarily LOOK like resistance to anyone, not even to myself unless I consciously choose to relate and inquire more deeply) … by resisting, I’m somehow preserving my energy, whether that be physically, mentally, or emotionally.

The thing with that is … I have to ask myself, is that serving me?

If so, how? If not, why?

And I have to ask myself the bigger questions that the resistance is being a placeholder for, like:

What am I afraid of? Why? What makes me feel this way? Is it true, for me?

What do I really need? What do I really want? Am I listening to my needs and responding lovingly? If I softened my resistance, what would open to me? Is that appealing? How do I choose to relate with all of this in order to consciously move forward?

I’m discovering that resistance is a coping buddy that I’ve invited in because sometimes life and everything else just feels like too much — too demanding, too difficult to ‘keep up’. (Especially for a highly sensitive empath weirdo like me!)

It’s ok to recognize this! In fact, it’s good. I want to know what I’m really vibing from. I invite deeper honesty and bigger truths from within me to be revealed. If I’m protecting myself from something, I want to be conscious of it, and I want to consciously and lovingly navigate through it.

So I’m calling resistance out of the shadows and I’m relating with it. I want to know what it wants from me. I want to know what it’s protecting me from and how it’s serving me. I want to know because it may be holding me apart from my IllumiNature, my greatness, my BEingness in this world — and if it is, I want to know it! I want to listen, allow, and grow into greater harmony with my heart’s true longings.

I want to dream my dreams alive and not be too afraid to allow that to happen. I want to tell myself that as long as I’m living, I can continue dreaming. And I want to allow myself to explore the dreams and visions with joyful abandon!

I’m just going to say it — 

  • I’ve allowed the last couple of years to put a kink in my ‘joyful abandon’ vibe. 
  • I’ve allowed resistance to creep in where I didn’t see it, and it felt (feels) comfy.

And I’m also going to say, it’s flippin’ ok that this is where I’m finding myself sometimes (not all the time, but sheesh … these last couple years … I mean … they’ve been a lot).

Coping takes on a whole new rainbow spectrum of expression these days. (another topic within itself entirely!)

Can you relate? (I’m guessing you can, even if just a little.)


Here’s just a handful of the many insights I received while doing my own inner-relating on all of this …

  • Resistance for resistance sake doesn’t serve me in the way I’d consciously choose.
  • I want and choose Conscious Presence, not a blanket that covers up, denies, dismisses, or diminishes my feelings and my Truth, and holds me apart from All That I Am.
  • I want to own when I’m in self-preservation and self-protection mode — and from there I want to fully know what that’s all about and commit to loving myself through with nurturing honesty while tending to my needs.
  • Resistance doesn’t honor my needs; it masks them. I want to reveal my needs to myself so that I can honestly tend to them.
  • Resistance is a holding pattern. It’s a gap. And it’s where I hold myself apart from giving my all to being all of me. 
  • Non-resistance doesn’t mean I suddenly have to do tons more. Non-resistance doesn’t have to have anything to do with doing more. It has everything to do with allowing my inspired inner-awesomeness to have its voice and it means me hearing myself through.
  • I can acknowledge the HUGE well of inspired creativity within me, the excited endless ideas and potentiality, without feeling like I have to freeze myself solid (resistance metaphor) and cut myself off from my creative wellspring because I don’t know how I can do it all, get it all done, make it all happen … I can bask in the glory of creativity and celebrate every single way any of it comes to reality, without feeling like failing when all of it doesn’t come to reality (in a red hot immediate minute).
  • I don’t have to invite resistance in, I can invite myself to speak my Truth and own each moment.
  • Easing up on resistance has everything to do with honoring, seeing/hearing/listening to myself, allowing my truth, my feelings, my wants, my needs, and my dreams to be known by me.


  • Do I allow myself to consciously engage in inner-relating in this way?
  • Is resistance ever a placeholder buddy in my experience that could stand in the way of my greatness, if I allow it?
  • Are there dreams or visions deep in my heart just begging to bubble up and expand?
  • How might my life shift for the better if I were more actively engaged in consciously relating?
  • What would that awareness open to me?
  • What might my path open to?
  • What could I gain through this ‘relating’ exploration? 

Journal Invitation …

Source always offers abundant questions to relate with … a slew of them have been offered up throughout this post. Grab your journal and take yourself on your own inner-relating journey!

I’d LOVE to hear from you!

A whole LOT gets unpacked in this week’s IllumiNature Energy Reset!
This post is my own personal reflection on what came through. These messages support my own soul growth as much as anyone else’s! Do any of these reflections resonate with you?

I hope you’ll give this week’s episode a watch and listen … I truly would LOVE to hear how you relate with it!

Brightest Blessings, My Dear RELATION!

All LOVE, 

Savi (and Source!)

If You Need Someone to Relate With …

Would some private guidance help to support your journey inward and onward during these times of Great Awakening?
Reach out! I’m here, Source is with us, and guidance feels SO empowering and helpful in times like these.
SOURCE SESSIONS with SAVI … for more info

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