Come Home to the Power of Your IllumiNature

Loving Awareness
Loving Awareness
Come Home to the Power of Your IllumiNature

Channeled Message and Guided Meditation by Savi

Hello Heart Lights, it’s Savi

I recently channeled a beautiful message I want to share with you. It’s about your IllumiNature, the Power of Light within you that you can call upon and relate with consciously and actively to help guide, heal, and support you in all ways, always. Your IllumiNature is your Essence, your Light Spark of Divinity, your Source Nature, the Light you Infinitely are here and now.

Open Your Heart and Receptivity

Please make yourselves comfortable, clear your space from distraction, and open your hearts and receptivity so that you can fully receive the healing, clearing, and balancing energies that are Love Light activated expressly for you within this Source message. 

Prepare yourSelf to receive this message as you would a guided meditation …

Let’s enjoy a few cleansing, centering breaths … Very good … And we begin …

We’ve been waiting for you! Come home dear one, home to the heart of who and what you really are. Come home to your core essence, that pulses radiance with every heartbeat.

Light beam. Lighthouse. Eternal flame. The Light you seek is within you.

Trust. Merge. The Light that shines as the very essence of your nature is there for YOU, as much as for anything else.

You think of that Light as something that shines outwardly, and so it does, indeed. But over-more, that Light that is your Essence, the very filament of your IllumiNature — THAT Light, it is your fuel, your sustenance, your everything. The Light within you fills every need. Put it to work. What is it that you need? Ask of the Light and the way forward will be illuminated — shown — through the darkness.

Are you willing to ask? And as you are willing to ask — Are you willing to listen? In full Presence, are you willing to hear with clear, open receptivity? Are you willing to trust?

Often, it is not really that you don’t know the power of your Light and the reSource that it is within you in all ways, always …
Moreover, you DO know the power that lives within you, as you … and it scares you somewhat, sometimes … because to claim it fully means change will flow. And change, no matter how wanted or needed can feel too scary. Too many unknowns, you say.

Where I am isn’t where I really want to be, but it’s known, it’s comfortable in that way, you say.

And we say — What is it that you will allow?

Is there a question of deserving within you? Is it a question of worthiness?

You are fully deserving, fully worthy … fully! Completely.

There are no limits placed upon you in the True Reality.

If you are feeling stuck, limited, shut down, held back, constrained, or restrained in any way, acknowledge that feeling space and see it as an invitation to converse with the High Light within you.

Ask the Light — how may I free myself from feeling stuck? Ask the Light — How can I release myself from feeling frozen and unable to move?

Ask the Light within you, that Infinite IllumiNature that is limitless and boundless, shapeless, formless, timeless, that knows no bounds and is pure freedom in the highest sense — that Light that you are, that Light that surrounds you and is you, here, now, and evermore — Ask that Light to talk to you — to show you, to reveal clear, easy to see, simple to understand ways that you can clear the stuckness, become unfrozen, and release yourself into the forward, upward, spiral momentum of your becoming.

Trust. Practice your willingness to ask … and your willingness to listen … and your willingness to respond.

The Light within you will always call you forward in Grace and Love.

The Light within you always has your Highest Good at heart and fully supports you always, in all ways.

The Light within you is never dimmed, never lost, never taken from you — in fact, cannot be given to you — for it IS. INFINITELY — your Light IS — forward and back, in all directions, beyond space and time. Your Light IS. You are Radiant Light.

No matter what your perception of this Light — the Truth of your IllumiNature shines with full infinite continuance. Here and Now in this physical BEing Body and beyond the Great Beyond.

Connecting with, relating with, communing with the Light within you will amplify and elevate your soul. You will feel more connected, balanced, in sync, in harmony. The path before you will be more clearly marked and well lit than you’ve ever perceived it before.

The experience of your Light from within as you perceive and engage with it will open doors within and without that you thought to be unimaginable, inaccessible.

Dear Ones, we want for you to fully embrace and have full experience of your Light.

Are you ready to open to the experience beyond where you’ve allowed before?

Any hesitation in allowing is another invitation to ask the Light within you to help you understand your hesitation, resistance, fear … and to support you in all the ways you need so that you can open to receiving the full promise of your  BEing-hood in this right-now time and space in your experience.

There’s no magic to this at all — except it will feel quite magical to you as you open and allow.

There are no limits, no boundaries, between you and the Light that you are.

Tune to the center of your BEing — tune to your heart — focus your energy, your breath, your attention there.

See your heart center glowing, radiating Light, beaming — connected. Feel the warmth, the love, the generating vital energy force pulsating from within.

Connect. Breathe. Enter into the Home of Your Heart where your access is always granted, where the hearth is always warm and inviting, where you feel safe, secure, embraced, seen, heard, and nurtured.

And if you don’t feel you’ve accessed that space as we are describing it to you now, know that it is real, true, alive, and infinitely available to you. Trust and allow.

Know that this Light that you are, this Light that resides within you, is the ONE absolute, the ONE undeniable, irrefutable, pure absolute Truth that there is.

Access is 100% yours!

No invitation or permission is needed.

Full — Infinite, abiding, unconditional LOVE — fully sustainable.

Your Infinite reSource — eternally.

The Light within you is your Supreme Parent, your Source Parent — your most loving, trusted guide and companion.

You will know this support when you receive it because it will always feel welcome, loving, compassionate, nurturing, abiding.

In this support field, you are never shamed, guilted, or made to feel less than.

Know that if you experience this type of inner-feedback, it is coming from a part of you that has been wounded, a part of you that feels small and separate, disconnected, out of sync with your Truth. Embrace this inner-feedback into your True Light Field for it is wounded energy that needs and deserves loving healing.

Be clear with yourself — Gather up the energies, experiences, and mind-generated thoughts, patterns, and beliefs that are not serving through love and take them to the Light — Ask that they be fully seen and heard, and allow them to be released, healed, and transformed by the Power of your True Love Light.

Come Home, dear ones …

Abide here, in the heart of your Light.

Linger … Ask … Listen … Allow … 

And know that you are HELD — so completely.

As you feel the safe harbor of this Light and you allow it to grow in your consciousness-radiating — you will begin, more and more, to feel strength in your foundation and assuredness in your becoming.

As you bask in the Heart Light of your Loving Truth, you will come alive once more, and again and again — Return … Open … Trust … Receive … BE.

Feel the LOVE LIGHT that is self-generating.

Can you feel your unstoppable, limitless Power?!

Yes!! There it is!! Allow it!! Just BE in it!

Just BE.

Allow your IllumiNature to resonate and shine forth in full power within you …

And the Light will guide your way on.

So much LOVE, Dear Ones! Infinite. Abiding. We are. You are. We are ONE.


Very good … let’s give ourselves some breathing space as we bring our attention back to our waking reality … wiggle your fingers and toes … Together now, inhale into your IllumiNature …  and as you exhale … send the breath as LIGHT intentionally through your entire body. 

And again … And one more time … 

Breathing naturally now … hands on your heart center … embracing your Heart Light … embracing this deeper knowing, this ever-deepening relationship with your IllumiNature …

Thank you for receiving this powerful message from Source with me here today.

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