Self-Healing Transmission: Remember Who You Are ~ Know Your Essence Channeling with Source + Savi

In this video, Savi opens to receive a message for all of humanity from Source and our Lineage of Golden Light Ancestors. You will quickly sense and hear that a host of High Light Energy BEings come through with loving support during this transmission.

Dear Ones…

The arching theme supports our Self-Healing Journey with activation and integration vibrations that elevate and expand our ever-awakening consciousness by reminding us who and what we really are. We are Light BEings, here and now, empowering and awakening our IllumiNature and our Self-Healing awareness.

Our Guides, Teachers, Masters, Nature Spirits, and Ancestors share Source Wisdom and Infinite Intelligence throughout this transmission. Both Light Language and English guidance flow.

Guidance for Listening/Receiving …

I recommend you treat this listening and receiving experience as a healing session. First, receive fully and purely. No need to take notes or engage your thinking minds.

After receiving and allowing some moments for intentional integration, you are encouraged to listen again (and again) and allow yourself to further deepen to the activating and empowering vibrations and messages with each receiving.

Create a safe, sacred, undisturbed space for yourself to receive this beautiful message from Pure Love as Source. Make yourselves comfortable. You may wish to lie down and cover yourselves with a cozy blanket, or you may wish to sit comfortably to receive. Listen to your inner guidance and be as you wish to be.

Allow the healing Light Language to wash over you. Trust that the communication that is coming through to you is received exactly as you need it to. Listen and receive, consciously, with an open heart.

I encourage you to gift yourself some time to journal after listening to this channeling. What impressions rose up during? What special messages did you receive through the Light Language sections? (Light Language speaks directly to each beloved soul. Trust what you feel and perceive. Listen to your intuitive insights.) Write any and all notes that come to you … related directly to this message or not. Anything that comes through after receiving an experience like this is on purpose and in perfect timing. Listen. Trust. Receive.

Private Source Sessions with Savi are available. Learn more